October 10, 2024
Jacob's Ladder - Part 4
Genesis 28:15
15 ``Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever
you go, and will bring you back to this land. For
I will not leave you until I have done what I have
promised you.'' (ESV)
Jacob received several promises as he dreamed of the ladder
which joined heaven and earth. This vision showed him that God's
angels are constantly doing God's work on earth, bringing the
message of hope to those who believe in Him. God, Himself,
speaks of the redemption which will be for all people through
Jesus Christ.
Yet the promises made by God would not be fulfilled for many
centuries. Jacob and his children would go down to Egypt, not to
return for almost 400 years. The birth of the Redeemer was even
farther in the future.
God reassured Jacob of His love even in the near term.
``Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and
will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until
I have done what I have promised you.''
As Jesus was preparing to ascend into heaven, He promised
His disciples, and us: ``And behold, I am with you always, to the
end of the age.''[1] He is present in His Word, in the sacraments
which He gave the Church, and in the love which the Church
reflects in the world. We may not see Him, but He is with us and
will never forsake us. In times of trial, He strengthens us with
the forgiveness of our sins and the hope of everlasting life.
The Bible tells us how the promises made the Jacob were
fulfilled. We see in our own lives how His promises of comfort
and hope are fulfilled as He works through the Church.
May our Lord grant us the faith to know that He is with us
and will care for us even in times of trouble. Amen.
1. Matthew 28:20b (ESV)