Repent — Part 3: 02/14/2023


                            Repent - Part 3
                               Joel 2:14

        14   Who knows whether he will not turn and relent, and
             leave a blessing behind him, a grain offering and
             a drink offering for the LORD your God?  (ESV)

        Today is Ash Wednesday.  This evening, at Trinity Lutheran
   Church, many of our members will receive ashes in the sign of the
   cross on their foreheads.  They will hear the words of the
   funeral service, ``Ashes to ashes and dust to dust.''

        Tonight is one of the two days in the church year when the
   paraments on the altar are optionally black.  Our sin caused
   Jesus to suffer death on the cross, and we mourn because of our
   transgressions.  The forty days commemorate Jesus' temptation in
   the wilderness after His baptism, a time when He fasted and
   wrestled with the devil.

        Yet there is hope.  The prophet Joel wrote:
        Who knows whether he will not turn and relent, and
        leave a blessing behind him, a grain offering and a
        drink offering for the LORD your God?

        God allows disasters, illnesses, and tragedy to humble us
   before Him.  This is to call us to repentance.  In repenting, we
   receive the assurance that our sins are absolved, removed
   completely, and we are declared holy and righteous in God's

        Along with the forgiveness of sins comes every blessing from
   God.  Because we trust in Him, we offer sacrifices of prayer and
   thanksgiving, in the same way that the Old Testament grain and
   drink offerings acknowledged God's rich mercy.

        We gather this evening at 7:00 p.m. at Trinity to begin this
   penitential season.  May our Lord bless you during these forty
   days so that you may know of His boundless love.  Amen.