Wisdom — Part 5

September 6, 2024


                           Wisdom -- Part 5
                           Proverbs 4:18-19

        18   But the path of the righteous is like the light of
             dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until
             full day.
        19   The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they
             do not know over what they stumble.  (ESV)

        One ancient service in the Church begins:
        Jesus Christ is the Light of the World, the light no
        darkness can overcome.

        Stay with us, Lord, for it is evening, and the day is
        almost over.

        Let Your Light scatter the darkness and illumine Your

        Joyous light of glory: of the immortal Father;
        heavenly, holy, blessed Jesus Christ.

        We pray that the light of God's grace, love, and mercy shine
   in our hearts to chase away the gloom of this world.  King
   Solomon used this same image:
        But the path of the righteous is like the light of
        dawn, which shines brighter and brighter until full
        day.  The way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they
        do not know over what they stumble.

        ``The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,''[5]
   Solomon taught.  Wisdom brings us the light of truth, that our
   heavenly Father sent His only begotten Son to take upon Himself
   our sins.  Because of the death and resurrection of Jesus, we
   have the hope of eternal life.

        Please join us at Trinity Lutheran Church on Sunday morning
   at 9:00 a.m. to learn more of God's grace and love.  May our Lord
   bless you with wisdom.  Amen.

   5. Proverbs 1:7

Wisdom — Part 4

September 5, 2024


                           Wisdom -- Part 4
                           Proverbs 4:16-17

        16   For they cannot sleep unless they have done wrong;
             they are robbed of sleep unless they have made
             someone stumble.
        17   For they eat the bread of wickedness and drink the
             wine of violence.  (ESV)

        Both King David and King Solomon wrote: ``The fear of the
   LORD is the beginning of wisdom.''[4] Each one taught his
   children, each one taught you and I, the importance of seeking
   first the kingdom of God and His righteousness.  Both taught of
   the blessing of hope which comes from trusting in the one true
   God above all things.

        Solomon gives a warning to stay on the path of
   righteousness, not to walk in the way of the wicked.  He is
   telling us the truth about those who do not respect the Word of
        For they cannot sleep unless they have done wrong; they
        are robbed of sleep unless they have made someone
        stumble.  For they eat the bread of wickedness and
        drink the wine of violence.

        Solomon, writing 3,000 years ago, is telling us about the
   things we see in the news today.  Look at the violence and crime
   in our cities, the problems caused by our greed and selfishness
   even in rural towns and villages.  We don't need to hear of the
   escalating wars in the Ukraine or Israel.  We can see death and
   destruction as we drive in the neighborhoods of Minneapolis and
   Chicago and New York.

        God, through His Word, calls us to fear, love, and trust in
   Him above all things.  The summation of the commandments is love,
   both for God and for our neighbor.  As we seek first His kingdom
   and righteousness, we also reflect his love in our dealings with

        May our Lord grant us wisdom to remain firmly in His Word,
   to trust in His mercy, and to walk in the way of righteousness.


   4. Psalm 111:10, Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 9:10

Wisdom — Part 3

September 4, 2024


                           Wisdom -- Part 3
                           Proverbs 4:14-15

        14   Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not
             walk in the way of the evil.
        15   Avoid it; do not go on it; turn away from it and
             pass on.  (ESV)

        One year our youngest daughter gave me a magnet for Father's
   Day.  There on the refrigerator are words of wisdom, ``Life does
   not come with an instruction book.  That is why we have dads.''

        Solomon was a dad teaching his children, desiring that they
   listen to him so to keep themselves out of trouble.  He pleaded
   with them to listen to the words of wisdom, and spoke of the
   benefits of fearing, loving, and trusting in God above all

        He also warned them of the problems if they ignored this
        Do not enter the path of the wicked, and do not walk in
        the way of the evil.  Avoid it; do not go on it; turn
        away from it and pass on.

        If the fear of the LORD, if walking in the paths of
   righteousness bring the comfort of knowing God's love, then
   straying from that path brings sorrow, pain, and death.
   Following God gives us the comfort of knowing His love and mercy.
   We know, in spite of the worst that the devil, the world, and our
   own selfish desires may say, that we have the comfort of the hope
   of everlasting life.  If we turn from Him, we are confronted with
   the reality that we are without help and without hope.

        May our Lord turn our hearts to follow the teaching of
   Solomon, to seek wisdom and the fear of the LORD above all
   things.  Amen.

Wisdom — Part 2

September 3, 2024


                           Wisdom -- Part 2
                           Proverbs 4:12-13

        12   When you walk, your step will not be hampered, and
             if you run, you will not stumble.
        13   Keep hold of instruction; do not let go; guard
             her, for she is your life.  (ESV)

        King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, desired the
   best for his children.  He taught them that the ``fear of the
   LORD is the beginning of wisdom.''[2] He pleaded with them to
   listen to his words of wisdom, to take to heart the truth of
   God's rich grace, love, and mercy.  Solomon was well aware of the
   promise once given to Adam and Eve, once passed from Abraham to
   Isaac to Jacob and to the children of Israel that God would send
   a Redeemer to pay the price of the sins of all people.  Solomon
   passed this truth to his sons and daughters.

        What is the benefit of Solomon's teaching?
        When you walk, your step will not be hampered, and if
        you run, you will not stumble.  Keep hold of
        instruction; do not let go; guard her, for she is your

        Jesus made the same promise to those whom He taught.  ``But
   seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all
   these things will be added to you.''[3]

        The wise person trusts in the Triune God, Father, Son, and
   Holy Spirit, not out of compulsion, but out of love.  God calls
   us to Himself through the revelation of His Word, longing to be
   loving and gracious to us.  Those who hear Him are eternally

        May our Lord grant us faith to learn of His mercy and to
   love Him above all things.  Amen.

   2. Proverbs 1:7

   3. Matthew 6:33 (ESV)

Wisdom — Part 1

September 2, 2024


                           Wisdom -- Part 1
                           Proverbs 4:10-11

        10   Hear, my son, and accept my words, that the years
             of your life may be many.
        11   I have taught you the way of wisdom; I have led
             you in the paths of uprightness.  (ESV)

        What is wisdom?  That is the question for this week as we
   look at the words written by King Solomon to his sons.  Both King
   David and King Solomon wrote: ``The fear of the LORD is the
   beginning of wisdom.''[1] Both of these mighty kings desired the
   same thing, namely that their children understand the importance
   of knowing the LORD, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
   Because of his love for his sons, Solomon pleaded:
        Hear, my son, and accept my words, that the years of
        your life may be many.  I have taught you the way of
        wisdom; I have led you in the paths of uprightness.

        What is the fear of the LORD?  Is it terror caused by seeing
   His power and might?  Is it trembling at the condemnation we
   deserve because we have sinned against Him in thought, word, and
   deed?  Is it the realization that we cannot be assured of life as
   we conform ourselves to the devil or the world?  Certainly that
   is one sort of fear, which is caused by the stark reality of
   God's holy law.  But David and Solomon were not talking of that
   fear, but of respect and reverence for God because He is truly
   merciful and loving.  The fear of the LORD comes from knowing
   that we are His creation, that He cares for us, and He desires
   that we be part of His family forever.

        David and Solomon are telling us of the response of faith
   that we have when we learn of God's gracious love and mercy.
   Their instruction points us to Jesus Christ, who lived, died, and
   rose again for our salvation from sin and eternal death.

        May our Lord grant us the faith which fears Him, which holds
   Him in reverence and high esteem because of His grace.  Amen.      

   1. Psalm 111:10, Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 9:10

Mercy — Part 5

August 30, 2024


                            Mercy -- Part 5
                          2 Chronicles 28:16

        15   And the men who have been mentioned by name rose
             and took the captives, and with the spoil they
             clothed all who were naked among them. They
             clothed them, gave them sandals, provided them
             with food and drink, and anointed them, and
             carrying all the feeble among them on donkeys,
             they brought them to their kinsfolk at Jericho,
             the city of palm trees. Then they returned to
             Samaria.  (ESV)

        Two thousand seven hundred years ago, the prophet Oded and
   the princes of the kingdom of Israel called for mercy to be shown
   to the captives of a raid on the kingdom of Judah.  Two hundred
   thousand men, women, and children had been captured and taken to
   Samaria to be enslaved.

        The army who had brought the captives to Samaria listened to
   the Word of God and the princes, repented, and entrusted the
   captives to the men who called for mercy.
        And the men who have been mentioned by name rose and
        took the captives, and with the spoil they clothed all
        who were naked among them. They clothed them, gave them
        sandals, provided them with food and drink, and
        anointed them, and carrying all the feeble among them
        on donkeys, they brought them to their kinsfolk at
        Jericho, the city of palm trees. Then they returned to

        God calls us to be merciful, to love our neighbors as
   ourselves.  This is impossible by our own reason and strength
   because we are by nature sinful, we are by nature selfish, we are
   by nature power-hungry.  Yet God, in His mercy, has sent His
   only-begotten Son to pay the price of our sin, to redeem us from
   the powers of this world, and to give us everlasting life.  As we
   confess our sin, as we are showered with God's grace and love,
   like Oded the prophet and the princes of Israel, we will desire
   to reflect God's mercy in this world.

        Where do we learn of God's mercy?  He graciously has given
   us the Church to proclaim His love, to bring us the forgiveness
   of our sins, and to comfort us when we are distressed.  Please
   join us on Sunday morning at Trinity Lutheran Church as we gather
   at 9:00 a.m. to receive God's rich gifts of grace and mercy.  May
   our Lord grant you peace.  Amen.

Mercy — Part 4

August 29, 2024


                            Mercy -- Part 4
                          2 Chronicles 28:14

        14   So the armed men left the captives and the spoil
             before the princes and all the assembly.  (ESV)

        This week we are talking about mercy, the compassion shown
   to those who are in distress and need.  Mercy certainly includes
   love and forgiveness, the acceptance that each person is a unique
   individual who needs to be treated with kindness.

        The northern kingdom of Israel, about 740 years before the
   birth of Jesus Christ, had plundered the southern kingdom of
   Judah.  As the victorious army brought two hundred thousand
   captives to Samaria with the intent to enslave them, the prophet
   Oded and several prominent leaders stopped this atrocity.  Oded
   that the leaders called for mercy.

        ``So the armed men left the captives and the spoil before
   the princes and all the assembly.''  The army, seeing the great
   harm they were about to inflict, repented of their sin and acted
   with kindness.  As warriors, the army knew they were not able to
   properly care for these captives.  Therefore, those who called
   for mercy accepted the responsibility for returning the captives
   to their homes.

        In this election season, where tensions run high, where
   opinions are loudly expressed, we are tempted to divide this
   nation in the same way the kingdom of David and Solomon was
   divided.  Yet, in the heat of the moment, can we show love,
   respect, and mercy to those with whom we disagree?  Can we allow
   each person to express their opinion, knowing that all have
   sinned against God and neighbor, thus need the forgiveness
   offered by Christ Jesus?  This incident which happened almost
   2,800 years ago is also a call for us to love each other, show
   mercy, and repent of our own sins.

        May our Lord grant us the wisdom and strength to hear His
   Word, to know of His mercy, and to reflect His grace to each
   other.  Amen.

Mercy — Part 3

August 28, 2024


                            Mercy -- Part 3
                         2 Chronicles 28:12-13

        12   Certain chiefs also of the men of Ephraim, Azariah
             the son of Johanan, Berechiah the son of
             Meshillemoth, Jehizkiah the son of Shallum, and
             Amasa the son of Hadlai, stood up against those
             who were coming from the war
        13   and said to them, ``You shall not bring the
             captives in here, for you propose to bring upon us
             guilt against the LORD in addition to our present
             sins and guilt. For our guilt is already great,
             and there is fierce wrath against Israel.''  (ESV)

        Around 740 years before the birth of Jesus, the northern
   kingdom of Israel attacked and plundered the southern kingdom of
   Judah.  The army returned with two hundred thousand captives with
   the intent of making them slaves.  Not only did the prophet Oded
   speak against this, but several leaders of the kingdom of Israel
   called for mercy.

        Certain chiefs also of the men of Ephraim...  stood up
        against those who were coming from the war and said to
        them, ``You shall not bring the captives in here, for
        you propose to bring upon us guilt against the LORD in
        addition to our present sins and guilt. For our guilt
        is already great, and there is fierce wrath against

        In the excitement of the moment, we often lose sight that we
   are sinners who properly deserve God's wrath and punishment.
   Should the army of Israel have plundered their relatives in
   Judah?  Should they have carried away so many people with the
   intent to enslave them?  Fortunately, the chiefs and rulers
   repented of this action and refused to allow this great sin.

        When we are in a position to impose our own will, do we take
   the time to truly repent, to show mercy, to help rather than
   harm?  We, who have received the mercy of the almighty Father as
   He sent His Son to bear the guilt of our sin, are called upon by
   God to reflect His love.

        May our Lord grant us the strength to be merciful to all
   people.  Amen.

Mercy — Part 2

August 27, 2024


                            Mercy -- Part 2
                         2 Chronicles 28:9-11

        9    But a prophet of the LORD was there, whose name
             was Oded, and he went out to meet the army that
             came to Samaria and said to them, ``Behold,
             because the LORD, the God of your fathers, was
             angry with Judah, he gave them into your hand, but
             you have killed them in a rage that has reached up
             to heaven.
        10   And now you intend to subjugate the people of
             Judah and Jerusalem, male and female, as your
             slaves. Have you not sins of your own against the
             LORD your God?
        11   Now hear me, and send back the captives from your
             relatives whom you have taken, for the fierce
             wrath of the LORD is upon you.''  (ESV)

        Our text this week is about mercy, the love and compassion
   shown to another even when the one showing mercy has power to
   cause harm.  Two hundred thousand captives were brought from the
   southern kingdom of Judah to Samaria as spoils of war.
        But a prophet of the LORD was there, whose name was
        Oded, and he went out to meet the army that came to
        Samaria and said to them, ``Behold, because the LORD,
        the God of your fathers, was angry with Judah, he gave
        them into your hand, but you have killed them in a rage
        that has reached up to heaven.  And now you intend to
        subjugate the people of Judah and Jerusalem, male and
        female, as your slaves. Have you not sins of your own
        against the LORD your God?  Now hear me, and send back
        the captives from your relatives whom you have taken,
        for the fierce wrath of the LORD is upon you.''

        God allowed the northern kingdom to defeat Judah as a way of
   showing Judah their sin of idolatry.  Yet the ten tribes of the
   northern kingdom were overly ruthless and violent in their
   treatment of the captives.

        The prophet Oded called the victorious army to repent of
   their sin, to acknowledge that they, too, had rebelled against
   God and deserved the same fate as the captives.

        As we seek revenge, as we seek advantage over others, do we
   stop to realize that we also have sinned against God and deserve
   His wrath?  If so, will we not show mercy because He first showed
   us mercy?  This is the argument given by Oded.

        May our Lord grant us faith to acknowledge our sin and to
   forgive those who have sinned against us.  Amen.

Mercy — Part 1

August 26, 2024


                            Mercy -- Part 1
                           2 Chronicles 28:8

        8    The men of Israel took captive 200,000 of their
             relatives, women, sons, and daughters. They also
             took much spoil from them and brought the spoil to
             Samaria.  (ESV)

        This week's Old Testament lesson comes from the book of
   Second Chronicles where the author shows both the sin of the
   southern kingdom of Judah, the desire for revenge, and the mercy
   which comes as we realize and confess our own sin.  The theme of
   this week is built on God's mercy, both in the Old Testament
   lesson and in the parable of the Good Samaritan.

        Mercy is the compassionate treatment of those who are in
   distress, especially when it is within the ability of the one who
   is merciful to bring harm.  It encompasses also forgiveness and
   expressions of love.

        After the death of King Solomon, the Jewish kingdom split
   into Israel in the north and Judah in the south.  As in any
   divided nation, there was animosity and war between the two
   groups.  Our text speaks of a defeat of Judah by Israel around
   740 years before the birth of Jesus.  ``The men of Israel took
   captive 200,000 of their relatives, women, sons, and daughters.
   They also took much spoil from them and brought the spoil to

        In war, in taking captive almost a quarter million people,
   the northern kingdom was not showing mercy.  Their plan was to
   make slaves of these captives from Judah, the same way any
   foreign conqueror would enslave a defeated nation.  But, these
   people were not the spoils of war, but descendants of Abraham,
   Isaac, and Jacob, cousins and relatives of the people of the

        This week we will look at the mercy shown to these captives,
   learning from their story how we also show mercy to others.

        May our Lord grant us the grace to hear His Word and to
   learn of His love.  Amen.