Serve the LORD — Part 2

October 1, 2024


                        Serve the LORD - Part 2
                         Deuteronomy 10:12-13

        12   And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God
             require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to
             walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the
        13   your God with all your heart and with all your
             soul, and to keep the commandments and statutes of
             the LORD, which I am commanding you today for your
             good?  (ESV)

        Moses instructed the children of Israel:
        And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of
        you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all his
        ways, to love him, to serve the LORD your God with all
        your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the
        commandments and statutes of the LORD, which I am
        commanding you today for your good?

        Who do you trust?  Where do you turn when everything seems
   to be falling apart?  In whom, in what, do you invest your time,
   talents, and treasures?  That is your god.

        Of course, the biggest false god is money, followed by other
   possessions.  Look at the value of your dollar now as opposed to
   a half-decade ago.  That money is not worth as much as it was a
   year ago.  We work for that money, we save that money, but in the
   end all of our schemes to use that resource in our old age seem
   to fail.

        The same is true of possessions, such as land, precious
   metals, or collectible automobiles.  Eventually we serve them.
   They don't provide long-term benefits, for often that which seems
   of value to us is of no use to others.  Our children, our
   neighbors, simply don't want those things we hold dear.

        In the end, anything created can become a false god.  When
   we need the assurance that someone cares, created things simply

        But we all have a god, something we trust when life gives us
   tornadoes, floods, sickness, and death.  We confess that the one
   True God created heaven and earth, thus stands above creation.
   We also confess that He showers us with His love, grace, and

        May our Lord open our eyes to see Him as our only hope in
   time of need.  Amen.

Serve the LORD — Part 1

September 30, 2024


                        Serve the LORD - Part 1
                         Deuteronomy 10:12-13

        12   And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God
             require of you, but to fear the LORD your God, to
             walk in all his ways, to love him, to serve the
        13   your God with all your heart and with all your
             soul, and to keep the commandments and statutes of
             the LORD, which I am commanding you today for your
             good?  (ESV)

        This week's Old Testament lesson from the book of
   Deuteronomy summarizes the First Commandment which Moses received
   from the hand of God.  There are four questions we will ask this
   week: What is a god?  Who is your god?  Who is the Triune God?
   Why should we serve Him?

        Moses spoke to the children of Israel as they prepared to
   enter the land of Canaan.  Because Moses had dishonored God in
   frustration with the people, he would not be allowed to go with
   them, but was preparing to pass the leadership to Joshua and be
   gathered to his ancestors.  The book of Deuteronomy is
   essentially the last will and testament of Moses.  He instructed
   the people:
        And now, Israel, what does the LORD your God require of
        you, but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all his
        ways, to love him, to serve the LORD your God with all
        your heart and with all your soul, and to keep the
        commandments and statutes of the LORD, which I am
        commanding you today for your good?

        What is a god?  We all have them, even if we are not
   religious.  A god is something you trust, something from which
   you expect all good, something or someone to whom you will go in
   times of danger or distress.  Everyone trusts something, everyone
   firmly believes there is help in times of trouble.  Tomorrow we
   will identify some of the gods we worship.

        May our Lord grant us faith to know and understand His love
   and mercy.  Amen.

Humility — Part 5

September 27, 2024


                          Humility -- Part 5
                            Proverbs 25:14

        14   Like clouds and wind without rain is a man who
             boasts of a gift he does not give.  (ESV)

        Our Old Testament lesson from the book of Proverbs ends with
   a warning.  King Solomon, in his wisdom, said:
        Like clouds and wind without rain is a man who boasts
        of a gift he does not give.

        These harsh words remind us that as we deal with others, we
   need to keep our promises.  This also reminds us that the work we
   do must meet the standards expected by our customers, otherwise
   we are harming both them and our reputation.

        In humility, we always seek to love our neighbor as
   ourselves.  Everything we do, therefore, should be the best we
   can accomplish, for our neighbor deserves nothing less.

        However, because we are by nature sinful and unclean,
   because we are by nature selfish and turned inward, loving our
   neighbor is something we cannot do on our own.  Our Lord has
   called us to Himself, offering to us His righteousness, giving us
   a new heart that clings to Him.  Even when we fail, Jesus Christ
   assures us of the Father's love and mercy, giving to us
   redemption from sin and death.

        Come join us on Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. at Trinity
   Lutheran Church to hear more of God's grace, the love He pours
   out upon us because of His mercy.

        May our Lord grant us wisdom and strength to serve Him by
   serving our neighbor.  Amen.

Humility — Part 4

September 26, 2024


                          Humility -- Part 4
                            Proverbs 25:13

        13   Like the cold of snow in the time of harvest is a
             faithful messenger to those who send him; he
             refreshes the soul of his masters.  (ESV)

        John Donne, an English poet and clergyman who lived in the
   late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries, wrote: ``No man
   is an Island, entire of it self; every man is a piece of the
   Continent, a part of the main.''  Our actions, our words, affect
   others.  Our actions, our words, reflect on our family, on our
   friends, on our employers, on our church.

        King Solomon wrote:
        Like the cold of snow in the time of harvest is a
        faithful messenger to those who send him; he refreshes
        the soul of his masters.

        We might use the analogy that a faithful messenger, someone
   we have entrusted with our reputation, someone who represents us,
   is as satisfying as a cold beer on a hot summer day.  Or maybe a
   tall, cold, glass of iced tea with a slice of lemon, if you don't
   drink beer.

        As we show humility in serving others, as we seek to give
   more than expected, we bring honor to those with whom we are
   associated.  A surly, unhelpful store clerk can do a great deal
   of damage to a business.  A happy, helpful, courteous employee
   can enhance a store's reputation, bringing in more customers.
   That was one of the messages of the classic Christmas movie,
   ``Miracle on 34th Street.''

        In loving our neighbor as ourselves we reflect the love of
   God which caused Him to send Jesus Christ to pay the price of our
   sin.  As we have received God's rich love, grace, and mercy, we
   pray that we show that mercy to others.  We forgive as we are
   forgiven, we serve as we are served.

        May our Lord grant us the willing heart to reflect His love
   to others.  Amen.

Humility — Part 3

September 25, 2024


                          Humility -- Part 3
                           Proverbs 25:11-12

        11   A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a
             setting of silver.
        12   Like a gold ring or an ornament of gold is a wise
             reprover to a listening ear.  (ESV)

        Yesterday we heard Solomon's words about quickly taking
   offense, about quickly making an issue public to the harm of our
   neighbor and ourselves.  Today he continues with the wisdom to be
   open to instruction and learning.
        A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting
        of silver.  Like a gold ring or an ornament of gold is
        a wise reprover to a listening ear.

        There was only one perfect Man, and the religious leaders of
   His day caused Him to be nailed to a cross.  You and I, on the
   other hand, can and do make mistakes, have misunderstandings, and
   always need to learn.

        How do we handle criticism?  Do we turn away, stop our ears,
   and attack the one who is trying to improve us?  Or do we
   respectfully listen, ponder the words, and seek to remove any
   dissension which our actions may have caused?  As the ones
   offering criticism, do we go on the attack with accusations, or
   do we discuss the situation calmly and without suggesting an evil
   intent behind the actions?

        Solomon would have us open to learning, to hearing another
   point of view, and responding with thanks.  As we consider the
   criticism, we may disagree, we may not change our actions, but we
   will have gained an insight to the impact of our words.  We may
   determine that we have not truly reflected God's love, thus we
   may confess our sin and receive forgiveness.

        During this election season, especially, we need to realize
   that Jesus Christ was willing to die for all people, that all are
   precious in His sight.  Therefore, we need to speak and act with
   respect, showing love to our neighbor.  May our Lord grant us the
   wisdom to treat each person, even those with whom we may not
   agree, with love and honor.  Amen.

Humility — Part 2

September 24, 2024


                          Humility -- Part 2
                           Proverbs 25:7-10

        7b   What your eyes have seen
        8    do not hastily bring into court, for what will you
             do in the end, when your neighbor puts you to
        9    Argue your case with your neighbor himself, and do
             not reveal another's secret,
        10   lest he who hears you bring shame upon you, and
             your ill repute have no end.  (ESV)

        King Solomon had a lot to say about humility and how that
   affects our relationship with our neighbor.
        What your eyes have seen do not hastily bring into
        court, for what will you do in the end, when your
        neighbor puts you to shame?  Argue your case with your
        neighbor himself, and do not reveal another's secret,
        lest he who hears you bring shame upon you, and your
        ill repute have no end.

        How fitting Solomon's words in today's cancel culture.  If a
   person acts or says something which if found offensive, they are
   not given a chance to privately repent, but are immediately
   ostracized, boycotted, shunned, fired, or assaulted on social
   media or other public venues.  Even if the actions or words were
   done decades earlier, there is no chance for redemption.

        How does Solomon suggest we deal with offense?  He says what
   Jesus later said, deal privately with the matter to preserve each
   party's reputation and standing.  The person complaining also has
   reasons to be canceled, so no one comes out the winner.  Rather,
   love your neighbor, show respect, and work out differences
   privately.  This seems like wise advice from the wisest man who
   ever lived.

        May our Lord grant us the wisdom to love our neighbor by
   showing them respect.  Amen.

Humility — Part 1

September 23, 2024


                          Humility -- Part 1
                            Proverbs 25:6-7

        6    Do not put yourself forward in the king's presence
             or stand in the place of the great,
        7a   for it is better to be told, ``Come up here,''
             than to be put lower in the presence of a noble.

        The theme of this week's readings is humility.  How can we,
   who have confessed that we are by nature sinful and unclean,
   place ourselves above others as the paragon of virtue?  Rather,
   because we know that our help is in the name of the Lord who made
   heaven and earth, that which we do reflects glory upon Him.  If
   we are to be given praise and honor, let it be given because we
   have been saved from sin, death, and the power of the devil by
   the innocent suffering and death of Jesus Christ.  Our glory is a
   gift given to us because He is risen from the dead, lives, and
   reigns through all eternity.

        This week's Old Testament lesson comes from Proverbs, words
   of King Solomon preserved by scribes in the Temple.

        Do not put yourself forward in the king's presence or
        stand in the place of the great, for it is better to be
        told, ``Come up here,'' than to be put lower in the
        presence of a noble.

        Jesus later told a group of Pharisees, scribes, and lawyers
   the same thing.  Rather than seek worldly honor, show humility.
   If honor is due, let someone else bestow it upon you.  Otherwise,
   it is your own ego speaking out of arrogance.  That never wins
   friends or influences people.

        We are called to love God above all things, and to serve our
   neighbors.  Therefore, let others stand in the place of honor.

        May our Lord grant us humble hearts which seek first the
   kingdom of God and His righteousness.  Amen.

The Widow’s Son — Part 5

September 20, 2024


                       The Widow's Son -- Part 5
                             1 Kings 17:24

        24   And the woman said to Elijah, ``Now I know that
             you are a man of God, and that the word of the
             LORD in your mouth is truth.''  (ESV)

        This week we have been looking at the account of Elijah
   raising the son of the widow of Zarephath.  The son's
   resurrection the dead foreshadowed Jesus rising from the dead.  A
   greater lesson, where Jesus took up His life again, all the
   others in the Bible who were called forth from the grave were
   given new life by the power of God.

        Our committal service at a graveside include a prayer that
   God keep the remains of our loved ones save until the
   resurrection of the dead.  Jesus Christ has promised to return to
   judge the living and the dead, to give life everlasting to those
   who believe in Him.  This is the promise of which Saint Paul
   spoke: ``If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and
   believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will
   be saved.''[2]

        Elijah gave the boy for whom he had prayed back to his
   mother, the widow of Zarephath.  ``And the woman said to Elijah,
   `Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the
   LORD in your mouth is truth.'''

        As we see God's grace, love, and mercy in action, we respond
   with praise and thanksgiving.  We confess that the word of the
   LORD is truth, that salvation is by God's rich grace alone, for
   the sake of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ alone.

        This is the message of hope that we hear each Sunday as we
   gather at 9:00 a.m.  at Trinity Lutheran Church.  Come join us to
   hear again of God's love and mercy.  May our Lord grant you the
   hope of knowing your sins are forgiven, that you know of God's
   love, and look forward to the resurrection.  Amen.

   2. Romans 10:9 (ESV)

The Widow’s Son — Part 4

September 19, 2024


                       The Widow's Son -- Part 4
                             1 Kings 17:23

        23   And Elijah took the child and brought him down
             from the upper chamber into the house and
             delivered him to his mother. And Elijah said,
             ``See, your son lives.''  (ESV)

        You and I, given our own power, cannot raise anyone from the
   dead.  This is also true of Elijah even in regards to the widow's
   son in Zarephath.  Elijah prayed that God would restore the life
   of the boy, and God allowed the boy to revive.

        Prayer changes things.  God, through the Psalmist, said:
   ``and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and
   you shall glorify me.''[1] Jesus also instructed His disciples,
   and us, to pray, ``Thy will be done.''  As children, we do not
   know the unintended results of our prayers, which is why we ask
   God to accomplish that which is best, even if it is not exactly
   that for which we prayed.  Many times our prayers for healing and
   blessings are answered with a resounding ``yes,'' while at other
   times the same requests may bring ultimate harm.

        Elijah prayed that the boy's life might be restored, a
   prayer which God answered according to Elijah's request.  ``And
   Elijah took the child and brought him down from the upper chamber
   into the house and delivered him to his mother. And Elijah said,
   `See, your son lives.'''

        When we pray for temporal blessings, even for continued good
   health and well-being, we pray, ``Thy will be done.''  When we
   pray for spiritual blessings, the forgiveness of sins, stronger
   faith, the hope and comfort of the resurrection, God's promise is
   always an answer of ``yes.''  Because our sins are forgiven, we
   have the hope of life everlasting.

        May our Lord grant us faith to trust in His promises, to
   know that through Jesus Christ we have the forgiveness of our
   sins, and the hope of our own resurrection.  Amen.

   1. Psalms 50:15 (ESV)

The Widow’s Son

September 18, 2024


                       The Widow's Son -- Part 3
                             1 Kings 17:22

        22   And the LORD listened to the voice of Elijah. And
             the life of the child came into him again, and he
             revived.  (ESV)

        Each Christian confesses and believes that Jesus Christ rose
   physically from the dead.  Because Jesus was without sin, the
   grave could not hold Him.  His death on the cross paid the price
   of our sin.  His resurrection will become our resurrection.
   Therefore we confess in the Apostles' Creed, ``I believe in the
   ... forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the
   life everlasting.''

        Our faith in the promise of a bodily resurrection is
   certainly based on the empty tomb discovered on Easter Sunday.
   However, God, working through both the Prophets and Apostles,
   showed that all people will rise again, for He permitted the
   resurrection of several people in the Old and New Testaments.

        Elijah, who was staying in a chamber in the home of the
   widow of Zarephath, had taken the widow's dead son.  He prayed
   God's blessing on the boy and the widow.  ``And the LORD listened
   to the voice of Elijah. And the life of the child came into him
   again, and he revived.''

        Does this mean that God will answer all prayers for an
   immediate restoration of life in the way He answered Elijah's
   prayer?  No, for God never promised that miracle at our request.
   However, the widow's son does point us both to Jesus'
   resurrection, and to our own resurrection.

        Therefore, we continue to pray for those we love, for those
   in need, asking that God's almighty will be done, that He
   accomplishes all things for the good of those who trust in Him.

        May our Lord grant us faith to trust in Him, that His
   answers to our prayers are for our ultimate blessing.  Amen.