The Way of Wisdom — Part 5: June 14, 2024


                      The Way of Wisdom -- Part 5
                             Proverbs 9:10

        10   The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
             and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.

        Wisdom has invited us into her house to sit and partake of
   the banquet she has prepared.  Thus, as we enter into the house of
   Wisdom, we begin to shed our foolish and simple ways, to gain
   insight into that which is important and true.  King Solomon
   reminds us: ``The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
   and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.''

        This knowledge of God is not the simple ability to recite
   facts and figures about the Almighty.  It is the knowledge,
   agreement, and trust that comes from God's own self-revelation,
   knowledge received by faith through God's Word.

        The person of faith will begin to understand the difference
   between foolishness and wisdom, even when such differences are
   subtle and hard to discern.  This understanding is not part of
   our sinful nature, but is a gift from God in Jesus Christ, the
   Wisdom of God who took on our flesh to bear our sins and to be
   our Savior.

        Therefore, Trinity Lutheran Church says, ``Come, enter into
   God's presence, into His house, to hear His holy Word, and to
   learn about His love.  Come, receive the forgiveness of your sins
   for the sake of the suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus
   Christ.  One short hour on Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. may lead
   to your eternal feasting in God's kingdom at the banquet that has
   no end.''  Amen.

The Way of Wisdom — Part 4: June 14, 2024


                      The Way of Wisdom -- Part 4
                            Proverbs 9:7-9

        7    Whoever corrects a scoffer gets himself abuse, and
             he who reproves a wicked man incurs injury.
        8    Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you;
             reprove a wise man, and he will love you.
        9    Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be
             still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will
             increase in learning.  (ESV)

        Wisdom has called us to partake of the banquet, to sit at her
   table, to eat and drink and listen to those who are wise so that
   we leave our foolishness behind.  Everyone is invited to hear the
   Word of God, to gain as much insight and wisdom as they can.  The
   Holy Spirit uses the Word of God, the Wisdom of God, to call us
   to faith, to enlighten us with His gifts of understanding and
   trust, and to keep us in a firm relationship with the Triune God.

        Not all who sit at Wisdon's table will benefit.  Many hear
   the truth of God's Word and reject it because they believe they
   are wiser than the Almighty.  Thus Wisdom says:
        Whoever corrects a scoffer gets himself abuse, and he
        who reproves a wicked man incurs injury.  Do not
        reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise
        man, and he will love you.  Give instruction to a wise
        man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man,
        and he will increase in learning.

        The fool argues belligerently for his errors of judgment.
   He seeks to justify himself, rejecting all correction, demanding
   that the world conforms to his sense of right and wrong.  The
   fool is never in error, and will defend his ways by getting
   louder and violent.  Not so the wise man.  He will consider that
   which is said and will learn from the interaction.  The wise man
   recognizes and knows that there is much in this world of which he
   is ignorant, so he seeks and appreciates all opportunities to
   learn and to hear informed opinions.  The way of the foolish
   leads to dissension and fighting.  The way of wisdom leads to
   understanding and cooperation.

        May our Lord make us wise through His Word, that we may live
   at peace with one another, seeking the good of our neighbor with
   thanksgiving.  Amen.

The Way of Wisdom — Part 3: June 12, 2024


                      The Way of Wisdom -- Part 3
                             Proverbs 9:6

        6    Leave your simple ways, and live, and walk in the
             way of insight.  (ESV)

        What is the goal of Wisdom's invitation to all people to
   join in the banquet she has prepared?  ``Leave your simple ways,
   and live, and walk in the way of insight.''

        As we mature we start asking the difficult questions of
   life.  ``Why are we here?''  ``What does the future hold?''

        Wisdom, the Word of God, calls us to leave the company of
   those who are unaware of the dangers and opportunities of life.
   Wisdom calls on us to experience and understand that which is
   good and right and beautiful and true.  Wisdom calls on us to
   look outside of ourselves, our own interests, our own delights
   and see how we can serve both God and neighbor.

        Wisdom says that we are given the gift of knowledge about
   God, the gift of faith which holds to His promises of forgiveness
   and life everlasting.  Therefore, we change from people who are
   turned in upon ourselves to ones able to embrace God's rich love,
   grace, and mercy.  Wisdom says that for the sake of the death and
   resurrection of Jesus, we are reconciled to God our heavenly

        May our Lord grant that we leave our simply ways and walk in
   Him.  Amen.

The Way of Wisdom — Part 2: June 11, 2024


                      The Way of Wisdom -- Part 2
                            Proverbs 9:3-5

        3    She has sent out her young women to call from the
             highest places in the town,
        4    ``Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!''  To
             him who lacks sense she says,
        5    ``Come, eat of my bread and drink of the wine I
             have mixed.''  (ESV)

        Wisdom, identified by Solomon as the Word of God, was
   present at the creation of the world.  Wisdom is available to all
   people, free and without asking.
        She has sent out her young women to call from the
        highest places in the town, ``Whoever is simple, let
        him turn in here!''  To him who lacks sense she says,
        ``Come, eat of my bread and drink of the wine I have

        God's grace, love, and mercy is always free.  He invites us
   into His presence to give to us the forgiveness of all our sins
   and the hope of life everlasting.  We don't need to seek out
   Wisdom, God's Word, and His undeserved love.  It is not hidden
   from our sight, but visible to all people of all times and

        The call is the invitation of the Gospel to come to the rich
   heavenly banquet.  Wisdom charges no admission fee, nor does
   Wisdom present a bill after dinner.  This is the call of Jesus,
   ``Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give
   you rest.''

        Why would we not accept this gracious invitation?  Do we
   think we are not in need of God's rich love and mercy?  Are we
   without sin, without problems, without conflict?  Are we wise
   enough in our own eyes to not need that which God offers?  Yet,
   many hear God's plea that we come into His presence and ignore
   the voice of His servants who proclaim His goodness.

        May our Lord grant that we hear, understand, and accept His
   loving invitation to dine at His banquet table for all of
   eternity.  Amen.

The Way of Wisdom — Part 1: June 10, 2024


                      The Way of Wisdom -- Part 1
                            Proverbs 9:1-2

        1    Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn her seven
        2    She has slaughtered her beasts; she has mixed her
             wine; she has also set her table.  (ESV)

        The Bible is filled with special meals.  In Exodus, the
   children of Israel ate the Passover while being protected from
   the angel of death.  They also ate manna in the wilderness,
   provided by God for forty years to sustain the people.  We speak
   of heaven as the ``Wedding Feast of the Lamb in His kingdom,'' as
   an ongoing banquet where the celebration never ends.  On the
   night Jesus was betrayed, He took bread and wine, saying, ``This
   is My body; this is My blood,'' thus instituting the Lord's

        King Solomon, writing in the book of Proverbs, spoke of
   Wisdom as a woman giving a feast.  Everyone is invited to the
   feast, young and old, but especially those who are weak and

        ``Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn her seven
   pillars.  She has slaughtered her beasts; she has mixed her wine;
   she has also set her table.''

        Who is this Wisdom?  Saint Paul said of Jesus,
        For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we
        preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and
        folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both
        Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom
        of God.

        This week we will explore the Wisdom of God and the lessons
   which come from knowing our Lord.  May He bless you richly as you
   learn of Him.  Amen.

Father Abraham — Part 5: June 7, 2024


                       Father Abraham -- Part 5
                             Genesis 15:6

        6    And he believed the LORD, and he counted it to him
             as righteousness.  (ESV)

        Faith has three elements.  Faith requires knowledge.  We
   cannot believe in something of which we do not know.  Because
   faith requires knowledge, we daily hear and study God's holy Word
   so that we are well versed in His promise of eternal life because
   of the forgiveness of our sins earned by Jesus Christ.

        Faith requires agreement.  We can know a fact, but not agree
   that the fact we were given is true or accurate.  Only as we
   agree that God's Word is the truth can we continue on this
   journey to eternal life through Christ Jesus.

        Faith requires trust.  If we know something, and agree that
   what we know is accurate, we will trust it.  This is true of
   getting in the car to drive to Sioux Falls, we know the car will
   run, we agree that it has adequate maintenance and fuel,
   therefore we trust that it will get us to our destination.

        God told Abram that his descendants would outnumber the
   stars.  ``And he believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as

        Abram had knowledge of God's promise.  Abram knew that God
   fulfills all His promises.  Abram trusted in God even though the
   promised son was not born for several more years.

        ``For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten
   Son that whosoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.''
   Come join us on Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. at Trinity Lutheran
   Church to gain more knowledge of the truth of God's love, that
   you may be blessed with agreement and trust for your eternal
   salvation.  Amen.

Father Abraham — Part 4: June 6, 2024


                       Father Abraham -- Part 4
                             Genesis 15:5

        5    And he brought him outside and said, ``Look toward
             heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to
             number them.'' Then he said to him, So shall your
             offspring be.''  (ESV)

        Abram, who heeded God's call to leave the area around the
   Euphrates River to live in the land of Canaan, believed God's
   promises.  He had heard that God would bless the world through
   his descendants.  Yet, Abram and Sarai, his wife, remained

        God repeated this promise.
        And he brought him outside and said, ``Look toward
        heaven, and number the stars, if you are able to number
        them.'' Then he said to him, ``So shall your offspring

        Even now, when Abram was well into his eighties, God
   encouraged him with the promise of future blessings.  For Abram,
   all the wealth he had accumulated, all the power he had, were
   meaningless without a child which would inherit his wealth, a
   child who would also inherit the promise made to Abram, ``through
   you the world will be blessed.''

        The fulfillment of the promise would require a miracle.
   This miracle of giving a child to the elderly couple would again
   be mirrored when a virgin conceived and bore a Son.  Even if we
   do not see how God will fulfill His promises, we can be assured
   that He will do as He says.

        May our Lord grant us the wisdom to trust only in Him, to
   rely on His love and mercy as found in Jesus Christ.  Amen.

Father Abraham — Part 3: June 5, 2024


                       Father Abraham -- Part 3
                             Genesis 15:4

        4    And behold, the word of the LORD came to him:
             ``This man shall not be your heir; your very own
             son shall be your heir.''  (ESV)

        God had called Abram when he was seventy-five years old to
   travel from the region of Haren towards Canaan.  Eventually,
   Abram set up his tents near the city of Hebron where his wealth
   grew as his flocks increased.  The LORD appeared to Abram and
   promised, ``your reward shall be very great.''

        Abram and his wife, Sarai, remained childless.  Although God
   had promised that the world would be blessed through his
   descendants, Abram was not certain how that would work.  After
   all, his wife was well past the age of childbearing.  In speaking
   with God, Abram reminded Him that his servant would inherit his

        ``And behold, the word of the LORD came to him: `This man
   shall not be your heir; your very own son shall be your heir.'''
   This seemed impossible, and as Abram and Sarai tried to take the
   fulfillment of this promise into their own hands, things did not
   work out well.  The promise was that Abram and Sarai would have a
   child through whom would come the Redeemer of the world.

        May our Lord grant us patience when we fail to see how He
   will fulfill His rich promises and blessings.  Amen.

Father Abraham — Part 2: June 4, 2024


                      Father Abraham -- Part 2
                            Genesis 15:2-3

        2    But Abram said, ``O Lord GOD, what will you give
             me, for I continue childless, and the heir of my
             house is Eliezer of Damascus?''
        3    And Abram said, ``Behold, you have given me no
             offspring, and a member of my household will be my
             heir.''  (ESV)

        God promised Abram His richest blessings.  He repeated this
   promise, that the whole world would be blessed through Abram's
   line.  However, Abram had a problem.
        But Abram said, ``O Lord GOD, what will you give me,
        for I continue childless, and the heir of my house is
        Eliezer of Damascus?''  And Abram said, ``Behold, you
        have given me no offspring, and a member of my
        household will be my heir.''

        In ancient society, and even today, the infertile couple
   feels left out of the mainstream of life.  They withdraw from
   friends and family because they grow weary of hearing about the
   children they cannot have.  More cruelly, Abram's name meant
   ``exulted father,'' which was a reminder he had no children.  His
   wife was well past childbearing age, so Abram was resigned to
   pass his great wealth to his trusted servant.

        At times we question whether God will actually fulfill that
   which He has promised.  If we are His beloved children, why do we
   suffer various illnesses, problems, and rejection by the world?
   We are promised the forgiveness of our sins, we are declared holy
   in God's sight, why then to we continue to selfishly turn from
   Him to our own desires?

        The promise is now, the fulfillment is yet to come.  This is
   the lesson which Abram will learn.

        May our Lord grant you faith in His grace and mercy, even
   when that grace seems hidden.  Amen.

Father Abraham — Part 1: June 3, 2024


                       Father Abraham -- Part 1
                             Genesis 15:1

        1    After these things the word of the LORD came to
             Abram in a vision: ``Fear not, Abram, I am your
             shield; your reward shall be very great.''  (ESV)

        God called Abram out of idolatry in which he deserved
   nothing but condemnation and eternal death.  Yet, God was
   gracious to Abram and said, ``And I will make of you a great
   nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that
   you will be a blessing.''[1] Abram, who was seventy-five,
   accepted God's call and moved from near the Euphrates River in
   the land of Haren and journeyed towards the land of Canaan.

        For ten years or longer, Abram, his wife, his nephew Lot,
   and their servants wandered in the land between Canaan and Egypt.
   ``After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a
   vision: `Fear not, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be
   very great.'''

        This comforting word of God given to Abram reinforced that
   God's plan of salvation for all people would come from Abram's
   descendants.  Jesus Christ traced His ancestors to David and back
   to Abram, showing that indeed God's promise did come true.

        Yet, when the LORD spoke these words to Abram, the
   fulfillment of the promise was still far off.  God protected
   Abram and his possessions, but Abram and his wife Sarai remained

        This week we will see God's promise both to Abram and to us,
   encouraging us to trust in Him.  May our Lord richly bless you
   this coming week.  Amen.

   1. Genesis 12:2 (ESV)