
The dictionary says a conundrum is a confusing or difficult decision. With the vaccine mandates, mask mandates, and all things Covid pandemic, Christians are placed in a difficult situation. Do we comply with the mandates, even if we personally believe they are wrong? Do we defy those in authority?

First off, are the mandates wrong? On September 9 the President issued a mandate that all Federal employees must be vaccinated. Also, most contractors doing business with the Federal government must have their employees vaccinated. There is no alternative way of compliance, such as weekly testing, for those who, for many reasons, do not wish to take the vaccine.

On the surface, this vaccination mandate seems reasonable. If the vaccines work as advertised, and if they are safe, this would help control the pandemic. We will never completely eradicate the disease, but we can better control it. If I care about my neighbor, would I not take efforts to keep him safe?

But, there is another aspect to this debate. The mandate does not allow for people who have health risks to abstain from the vaccine. The mandate does not allow for people who have moral reservations about the manufacture or testing of the vaccine to abstain from the vaccine. The mandate does not allow for people who desire to see the long-term effects of the vaccine to abstain from the vaccine. The mandate does not allow for anyone to consult with their physician concerning this vaccine, to see if it is appropriate.

Christians, according to Saint Paul writing in Romans 13, are to respect and obey authority. This is an application of the Fourth Commandment, and leads to peace in this society. But, when the authorities ask us to do something which goes against our beliefs and conscience, we reply with Peter, “We must obey God rather than men.” (Acts 5:29)

The authorities asking for employees to be vaccinated are not only from the Federal government, but include school districts, health care companies, airlines, and many other organizations. Do we comply, or can we ask for a religious exemption while the mandates are reviewed for legal and moral implications?

Several weeks ago, at the gathering of the pastors at the Circuit Winkel, we discussed the religious exemption letter. Several pastors noted that the Synod was neutral, for typically guidance would come from a convention or, at least, the CTCR (Commission on Theology and Church Relations). Neither body has had a chance to meet to discuss this issue. Also, Synod is advisory, so members are free to disagree.

Recently, however, I was asked to provide a letter justifying a religious exemption. I chose to accede to the request. After prayerful consideration, and after considering that we must act according to our informed conscience (i.e., a conscience which bases decisions on the Word of God), I provided the following letter.

Please note, this is written as a pastor, but not on behalf of the congregation. We have not met, either as a Board of Elders or as a Church Council, to ratify this as our official, congregational position. We will discuss the letter later this month at our regular meetings. Meanwhile, with deadlines approaching, something needed to be done.

Please feel free to comment to me about this letter.



To Whom it May Concern,

[Name,] who is a member of Trinity Lutheran Church, Slayton, Minnesota, is seeking a religious exemption from the immunization requirement. The Lutheran Church — Missouri Synod (LCMS) has not issued specific recommendations either for or against receiving the Covid 19 vaccine. However, the LCMS has always upheld the right of individual members who, in accordance with the Word of God, choose to exercise their faith in accordance with theirconscience.

Jesus Christ, as recorded in several places, quoted the Old Testament law: Jesus answered, The most important is, ‘‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.’’ [Mark 12:29-31 (ESV)]

The Lutheran doctrine of vocation recognizes that each person has a unique calling in life, and a unique set of circumstances. For some, serving their neighbor may include abstaining from alcoholic beverages, for others the responsible use of alcohol is permitted. This becomes a matter of conscience. Saint Paul considered this matter of conscience in his letter to the Romans: One person esteems one day as better than another, while another esteems all days alike. Each one should be fully convinced in his own mind. The one who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord. The one who eats, eats in honor of the Lord, since he gives thanks to God, while the one who abstains, abstains in honor of the Lord and gives thanks to God. [Romans 14:5-6 (ESV)]

In matters of the vaccine, we adopt the same stand. If a person accepts the risks of the vaccine, then they are free to be immunized. If a person, for several reasons, declines the vaccine, we support this decision.

For what reasons might a person not be vaccinated? First, there is the concern for personal health. The Fifth Commandment says, ‘‘Thou shalt not kill.’’ Certainly this applies to caring for our neighbor, one of the arguments for being vaccinated. But the Commandment also condemns self harm. If one has a history of a negative reaction to various medications, then one needs to abstain from them. To use medications similar to those which have caused physical harm in the past is, in fact, contraindicated by this Commandment. It becomes not only a matter of health, but a matter of obedience to God’s Law.

We believe that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit, as Saint Paul explained to the congregation in Corinth: Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you? Ifanyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him. For God’s temple is holy, and you are that temple. [1 Corinthians 3:16-17 (ESV)]

If we firmly believe that a certain substance may harm our body, we are bound by conscience to abstain. In [Name’s] case, I am aware of his/her reluctance to use any medications because of his/her medical history. This is not simply a medical issue, but one of sincere faith.

There is a moral duty to refuse the use of medical products, including certain vaccines, that arecreated or tested using human cell lines derived from abortions. Several of the vaccines which are available do use human fetal cell lines, thus they should not be considered by anyone who believes that murdering the unborn is wrong.

As [Name’s] pastor, I fully support his/her decision concerning this vaccine based on discussions of his/her faith, moral reasoning, and matters of conscience. To quote Martin Luther, ‘‘…to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I can do no other, so help me God.’’

Please feel free to contact me if you have additional questions.

Respectfully yours,
Rev. Dr. Jeffrey B. Williams

Sunday Evening

We fall into interesting and delightful habits. For the last eighteen months or so, I have spent Sunday evening unwinding, relaxing from the stress of preaching and teaching by spending some time alone. One of my seminary professors suggested the obligatory Sunday afternoon pastor nap is a response to the “post-partum” depression of spending a week preparing a sermon, only to see it put into the archives.

What do I do on Sunday evening to relax? I write. Each weekday, around 8:30 in the morning, you can hear the Moments of Meditation on KJOE radio, Slayton, Minnesota, 106.1 on your FM dial. For several hours each Sunday evening I look at the best way to proclaim salvation by grace through faith for the sake of Christ in 90 to 120 seconds. That is both a difficult challenge, and a lot of fun.

Of course, there are other projects on Sunday evening. In 2017 I wrote a series of sermons tying the Introit to the Gospel lesson. This was supposed to be a way to proclaim the Gospel during Lent, but the exercise and study was so interesting that I completed the whole year. Now I am collecting these sermons into a book for others to enjoy.

Of course, the KJOE morning spots are also collected into a book. You can find it at either or This year’s radio devotions will be available in late January or early February next year.

I’m also pondering an approach to adult confirmation based on the liturgy of the church. Because the liturgy is drawn from the Bible, it is a great starting place. Also, we learn by going from the known to the unknown. Therefore, if we start with that which is familiar, the liturgy of the Divine Service, we can draw in the Bible and the Catechism. This is not an original idea. One of my seminary professors, the late Dr. Donald Deffner, wrote several books using this approach.

You would think that this time alone, the writing and recording, the study, would be tiring after a morning of preaching and teaching. Yet it is invigorating, especially as I can find other ways to proclaim the goodness of our Lord and Savior.

May our Lord continue to bless you.

Bumper Sticker Theology

We live in a world where sound bites and quick visual images replace in-depth discussion. Slogans and bumper stickers replace learned discourse. Indeed, bumper stickers may make us feel like we are making a difference, but, in fact, they do little to change the world.

Recently I saw a bumper sticker, “Science is Real.” Interesting. At first glance, this sounds plausible. But what is the sticker actually saying? Why would someone desecrate the paint on their vehicle to display such a message? Who claims that science is not real, but a fiction?

My initial guess, either this is about evolution or climate change. Of course, it could be about Covid vaccinations or mask wearing. All of these are controversial topics in which both sides of the argument quote scientific journals and principles.

What is science, anyway? Is it a statement of absolute truth, or is it a model which fits the observed data? Does science cause action, or is science merely an observation which can be used to predict future events?

“Science is Real” suggests the driver believes that science causes events. “Science is Real” suggests that scientists believe that their hypotheses are proven with absolute certainty. “Science is Real” suggests that the person who placed the bumper sticker does not understand science.

One of the hardest concepts to grasp, so it seems, while studying research for a doctorate, you can never prove anything true. You can only disprove a hypotheses. There is no way to account for every possible data point. You suggest a model, an idea that reflects reality, and then look for those cases which disprove the model. If you can’t find cases to disprove the model, if you can’t find data that doesn’t fit the model, then you use the model to predict future events.

In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the French scientist, Pierre-Simon marquis de Laplace, developed a model which explained how the universe was formed. When he described the model to Napoleon, the emperor asked, “But where is the Creator in this model?” Laplace replied, “I had no need for that hypothesis.”

For modern man, the science is real. There is no need for God as the creator of heaven and earth. For almost a century, the Laplace model of the formation of the solar system was the accepted explanation. The Laplace model suggested an eternal universe without a beginning. Unfortunately, in 1964 Arlo Penzias, a researcher at Bell Labortories who was working on microwaves, discovered a background radiation which suggested the universe had a beginning. Yes, the work of Penzias suggests a “big bang,” an event which started the universe.

Now “real science” is seeking an answer to the question, “What caused the beginning of the universe?” Unfortunately for those who relied on the Laplace theory, it looks like the Bible may be correct. The simplest explanation is “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Of more interest, the scientific theories now reinforce the idea that God can transcend our space and time. There is more to the universe, more dimensions, than meets the eyes.

Let’s not let the “Science is Real” bumper sticker cause us to reject God, as did Laplace. Rather, let the “Science is Real” bumper sticker urge us to discover the laws of nature, the principles by which our Lord continues to allow this world to run with predictability. Let the “heavens declare the glory of God” as we use real science to better understand His immense power and majesty.

Keep your eyes open for more “bumper sticker theology.”

The Doctrine in the Liturgy

The late Dr. Donald Deffner, a professor at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, once suggested teaching an adult information class using the liturgy of the Divine Service. This makes a lot of sense. Prosper of Aquitaine, who died around 450 A.D., suggested that the way we worship informs what we believe. The words, in Latin, Lex orandi, lex credendi or “the words of worship are the words of the creed.”

Is this a true statement? Can we learn the six chief parts of the Small Catechism by studying the Divine Service? What are these chief parts which we will study? First are the Ten Commandments. Yes, in the Lutheran tradition the first action of the congregation is our confession of sins. Second, the Apostles’ Creed. This is easy, for the Divine Service begins “In the name of the Father and of the Son (+) and of the Holy Spirit,” the baptismal formula found in Matthew 28:19-20. The Apostles’ Creed was written to explain that verse, to confess the God which calls us to faith. The Lord’s Prayer, the third chief part, plays a prominent role in the Divine Service.

What about baptism? As noted, any time we hear the invocation, the words “In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” we are brought back to baptism. The office of the keys and confession? Absolutely, we find that before the Introit. The office of the keys also speaks of the office of the ministry, something that we see throughout the Divine Service.

Finally, we come to the sixth chief part, the Lord’s Supper. Half of the liturgy of the Divine Service is devoted to the Sacrament of the Altar which Jesus gave His church on the night He was betrayed.

Our approach to the forthcoming Adult Information Class, which begins on September 15, will be to look at the liturgy, see where it comes from the Bible and agrees with the Bible, and then look at that topic in Luther’s Small Catechism. In this way we will become familiar with the service we use every other week, plus the Bible and our Lutheran confessions.

I am excited about this approach to the class. Please join us.

Learning Old Things

During the eighteen months since I was installed at Trinity, we have been studying the possibility of offering the Lord’s Supper each Sunday. This ancient practice of the Church dates back to Pentecost, as seen in Acts 2:42. Doctor Ken Wieting, in his book The Blessings of Weekly Communion, goes into much greater detail than I can do in a simple blog post.

The question has been asked, “Have we been wrong in our teaching and understanding of the Lord’s Supper?” Consider, fifty years ago people communed an average of four times a year, and congregations might have offered the Lord’s Supper less than twenty times a year. Although both the Biblical and confessional writings have not changed, the church practice has changed over the years.

Some of the changes were positive, such as Luther involving the people in the liturgy rather than being spectators. Some of the changes were negative, where human logic replaced the Word of God. In the same way that medicine and education look for the best outcome for all concerned, the Church desires that all people be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.

How the Church approaches this goal has changed. The problems addressed by the Church have changed, which also affects how the truth is taught. During the 1970s, for example, the Missouri Synod was more concerned about the Bible being the Word of God rather than simply containing the Word of God. This fundamental question about the Bible meant that there was less time for the study of the Lutheran Confessions.

In the 1980s and 1990s, as the Missouri Synod recovered from the seminary walkout of 1974, pastors began to spend more time looking at the question, “what does it mean to be Lutheran rather than simply Protestant?” Interest in the confessions grew, as did the study of the liturgy and worship practice.

Because of the growing interest in our confessions and practice, we rediscovered the understanding of worship. What happens on Sunday morning is not our gathering to give praise and service to God, but that God invites us into His presence to receive the fullness of His blessings.

Where the Word of God is proclaimed in its purity, where the Gospel of reconciliation is given to sinners, people will be saved. They were saved by God’s rich grace and favor when the church celebrated the Lord’s Supper once a quarter. The are saved by God’s rich grace and favor when the body and blood, under the bread and wine, are offered weekly.

The question we must ask, which practice (infrequent offering of the Lord’s Supper, versus weekly offering of the Lord’s Supper) provides the greatest blessing and comfort for the redeemed sinner? Let’s not denigrate that which happened in the past based on our enlightened and exalted position of knowledge. Let’s not tear down the statues of the past simply because they don’t agree with our understanding of the present. Let’s move forward, thankful that our Lord has always worked through Word and Sacrament to bring the benefits of Jesus death and resurrection to this sin-sickened world.

May the generations which follow us look back and say that we were correct in our desire to frequently offer the Lord’s Supper, even as we continued to teach the law and Gospel in our sermons, visit the shut-ins, and proclaim salvation by grace through faith for the sake of Christ.

Whose Work is It?

Our church sign, below the new bell tower, advertises the “Sunday Service” at 9:00 am. Should it say “Worship Service”? Should it say “Divine Service”? What is happening as we meet on Sunday morning. Who is serving who?

There are two ways of looking at our gathering together. Normally the definition is that of a “worship service,” a time where we gather together to say “Yea God!” The Book of Worship for U.S. Forces, the military hymnal published in 1974, says: “Through the ages the people of God have related to their Creator through the medium of worship and song. Books of Worship record some of man’s noblest expressions of his continuing search for understanding and meaning. Their pages flow in endless streams of song and Scripture, prayer and praise. They speak of the believer’s faith in the daily renewal of life and love between creature and Creator.

Thus, to worship is to seek God, to ask for His favor because of our praise and thanksgiving. Worship is our work.

But what if Martin Luther was correct when he wrote, “I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ, my Lord, or come to Him.”? Would we choose to go to church in order to praise a probably absent God? Oh, sure, God is everywhere, but omnipresence seems so much like an observer rather than a participant.

Consider the Lutheran doctrine of the “real presence” of Christ’s body and blood in, with, and under the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper. At the Words of Institution, the congregation says, “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” They are joining with John the baptist as he pointed to Jesus, “Hey, look, there is the One who is our salvation.” The Agnus Dei is a confession that Jesus is truly present, in an active sense, as we are gathered around the altar. What do you think, is the Word of God made flesh present in the readings from the Bible, in the sermon, and in the hymns?

Now we believe, teach, and confess that, as Saint Paul asserts, faith comes by hearing. The Holy Spirit creates and sustains faith through the proclaimed Gospel as well as the “visible Word” of baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Each time you hear, “Your sins are forgiven,” Christ Jesus is truly present.

That view of our gathering says that we come into God’s holy presence at His invitation. The invocation, “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” is not a magic incantation to conjure up God, to invite Him into our presence. Rather, it is the acknowledgement that we are gathered at His invitation, at His call, in the faith which He has given through Word and Sacrament.

Dr. Kenneth Weiting, The Blessings of Weekly Communion (CPH, 2006), wrote: “…the true presence of the living Christ in the Divine Service is also understood. This presence is not simply His omnipresence — His presence everywhere — but His saving presence, His presence in the concrete means by which He has promised to give us forgiveness and life. This is not Jesus in the air, whom we must try to contact through spiritual achievement. This is not Jesus in our hearts, whom we control with our feelings. This is Jesus who comes to us from the outside in specific, humble ways He has chosen to make our hearts new.”

With this understanding of our gathering together, we use the term “Divine Service” to confess that God serves us with the forgiveness of sins and life everlasting for the sake of the bitter suffering and death of Jesus Christ on our behalf. We are privileged to be in His presence and He calls us so that He gives to us the fullness of His rich gifts of grace, love, mercy, forgiveness, life, and peace.

We are, as a congregation, considering the question of offering the Lord’s Supper on each Sunday. We are discussing this in light of the theology of worship, the spiritual benefits of the Lord’s Supper, and love for our neighbor who may need the assurance of God’s grace given by Jesus Christ.

Please pray for this congregation as we seek to serve our Savior by allowing Him to serve us.

Thoughts on the Presentation of the Augsburg Confession

But be on your guard. For they will deliver you over to councils, and you will be beaten in synagogues, and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake, to bear witness before them. And the gospel must first be proclaimed to all nations. And when they bring you to trial and deliver you over, do not be anxious beforehand what you are to say, but say whatever is given you in that hour, for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit. And brother will deliver brother over to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death. And you will be hated by all for my name’s sake. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.
Mark 13:9-13 (ESV)

In these days when the news is filled with images of people defacing or destroying the artifacts of history, is it appropriate to bring to mind the actions of the German princes who stood before Emperor Charles V in Augsburg on June 25, 1530? In spite of the recent attacks on the statues and memorials of our forefathers, remembering the past is always appropriate. The philosopher, George Santayana, once said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” We learn the mistakes of our predecessors, even as we are inspired by their successes.

In 1530, while the Holy Roman Empire was threatened by the Turkish invasion, the Emperor called for a meeting in which the opposing sides of the Christian Church could come to an agreement. He was concerned that dissension in the Church would cause member states in the empire to ignore the call to push the Turks from the doors of Vienna. Hence Charles V asked all the concerned parties, the Evangelicals (Lutheran), Reformed, and Roman Catholics to present their doctrine so there can be agreement.

The Lutheran princes, by signing the Augsburg Confession, moved the discussion of doctrine from the abstract musings of theologians to the practical theology of daily living. The author, Philip Melanchthon, was a lay man, not clergy, who worked closely with Luther on this statement of faith.

Unlike other church bodies, the Lutherans have not altered their confession of faith since it was first presented. God does not change. God’s Word does not change. Therefore, the confession of faith does not change.

Over the years, various Lutheran bodies have strayed from the clear confession made at Augsburg. By having an unchanged confession, the members of these churches, and other concerned Lutheran bodies, can call for repentance, to repudiate the false doctrines being adopted, and return to teaching pure doctrine.

Today, Trinity Lutheran Church in Slayton, Minnesota, remains committed to the confession of the truth once read before the Emperor. That confession stands under the clear Word of God, answering questions and controversies about our understanding of the Bible. No confession can stand above Scripture, but each confession declares the understanding in times of controversy.

At the heart of the Augsburg Confession is the Fourth Article: Also they teach that men cannot be justified before God by their own strength, merits, or works, but are freely justified for Christ’s sake, through faith, when they believe that they are received into favor, and that their sins are forgiven for Christ’s sake, who, by His death, has made satisfaction for our sins. This faith God imputes for righteousness in His sight. Rom. 3 and 4.

On this article, more than any other, the Church stands. Thus we confess that Jesus Christ, true God and true man, died for the sake of sinful mankind. Today we celebrate this confession, and ask God’s rich blessing as we proclaim His grace and mercy to this sin-sickened world.

May our Lord strengthen your faith, that you may make the good confession of Christ Jesus, even as did our forebears at Augsburg.

Hospital Calls

The Psalmist wrote, “Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver you and you will glorify me.” [Psalm 50:15]

Nowhere is this more evident than in the hospital. As society is opening again, hospitals are again allowing visitors, with certain limitations. Pastors can again bring comfort to those in distress.

One of my favorite verses for bringing comfort to those in the hospital is Psalm 130. This “song of ascent” begins, “Out of the depths I have cried to You, O LORD. O Lord, hear my voice.” Somehow, when in the hospital for injury or illness, you feel like you are in the depths. You pray, “O Lord, deliver me.”

We are fortunate in Slayton that we have a good hospital in town. Rural communities seem to draw the kindest and most considerate nurses — they know each patient, they are not simply names on a chart. This kindness is above and beyond that which you find in the larger cities where people become numbers.

I’ve had the pleasure of bringing the good news of salvation by grace through faith for the sake of Christ to several parishioners in the past week. They received an answer to their prayers, “O Lord, bring me comfort,” as they heard the Gospel and received the Lord’s Supper. It is God giving them hope, lifting them from the depths, using the pastoral office.

There can be no greater joy than to assure someone they have eternal life because Jesus Christ bore the guilt of their sins. While they are in the hospital, they are confronted with the reality of their sin, for all disease and injuries come from this world being twisted since the fall of Adam and Eve. Yet that sin is covered, for Jesus Christ suffered death that we might have life everlasting.

The Psalmist continues, “If You should mark iniquity, O Lord, who could stand. But there is forgiveness with You that You might be feared.”

Like John 3:16-17, this Psalm truly speaks of God’s complete and utter love, His mercy. Is there a better answer to the prayer for hope? To God be the glory.

Thoughts About Opening

I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go to the house of the Lord!” (Psalm 122:1)

Psalm 122 is one of several Psalms traditionally sung by the faithful while walking into the temple in Jerusalem. These “Songs of Ascent” serve much as the introit in our Divine Service. They set the tone for the time spent receiving the goodness of our loving Heavenly Father. They reflect our joy in sins forgiven for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

The church is opening. Our first opportunity to gather together, in small groups, with proper social distancing, is May 27. For eight weeks we have been unable to gather around Word and Sacrament to be assured of the gifts of God during these difficult times. That fast is now being broken, though we are only able to take small bites, metaphorically speaking.

We look at the stay-at-home orders and wonder about the blessings. If the virus was as virulent as originally thought, if indeed our healthcare system would be overwhelmed with the sick needing extraordinary care, then the orders accomplished their objective. They “flattened the curve,” meaning that hospitals and care givers could prepare for an onslaught of cases. Never was the idea to eliminate the disease, something that is truly impossible in short order, but to delay the number of cases.

In this the lock down is a blessing. Reality did not match the models, the surge was prevented. We are now getting back together, responsibly.

As a pastor, the orders to shut down the church were depressing. How can I truly care for the congregation entrusted to me by God? How can I comfort the sick, care for the dying, rejoice with the faithful? We missed gathering for the most important festivals of the Church Year, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter. We missed Ascension. We are gathering for Pentecost — let’s try to keep it within the guidelines. We are celebrating the confirmation of our youth on Trinity Sunday in a special service limited to the immediate families. But we are gathering.

We know that there are members of the congregation who are extremely vulnerable to the virus, who are at grave risk if exposed. If you are part of that group, please continue to stay home from the gathering. However, please avail yourself of the opportunity to visit the church (or invite me to your home) to receive the Lord’s Supper.

That which we learned during these eight weeks will serve the congregation for months and years to come. We will continue with the video services for those who are not able to join us in the building. We will continue mailings with news of the church. We will continue to send weekly sermons to our shut-ins.

A number of people stepped up during the shutdown. Our Board of Elders kept close watch on the spiritual well-being of the congregation. Kathy Schwartz and Carol Benda added their talents to enhance the worship services. Sally Williams spent hours with the mailings and running the cameras. There was a large team caring for this congregation, a team which continues to serve this church.

The Psalm of David truly speaks of our joy in returning to the sanctuary to receive again the gifts of Word and Sacrament. God’s grace and mercy are sure and certain in all times. We receive the comfort of the Gospel as we go into the house of the Lord.

Church — the Non-Essential

Although over 75 percent of adults believe in some sort of spirituality, some sort of higher being, probably less than 40 percent are active in a local congregation. Where we came from in Colorado, the percentage of non-active people was well over 90 percent.

This is well and good when everything is going fine. Moses warned the children of Israel that, when things got too good in the Promised Land, they would forget God. We see this throughout the books of Joshua and Judges, as well as the other historical books of the Old Testament. So, until a few months ago, people stayed away from church in droves simply because everything was going good.

What do we hear immediately when things go bad? “Pastor, will you pray for us?” Well, sure I will, that is something I am honored to do. Why, however, do you think that God will bless you when you have turned your back on Him? When you are surprised, you cry out, “Oh my God!” but your god is the latest fashion, the big screen TV, or one of the teams in the NFL.

On one hand, the powers that be have asked churches to step up and pray for this nation. If these leaders bothered to show up on a Sunday morning they would hear we pray for this nation essentially every time we gather to receive the good gifts from God. We pray for the president, the governor and legislature of this state, for all who make, judge, and enforce our law. The churches I have been honored to serve also hear weekly prayers for those who serve in the Armed Forces, and the families who are concerned as this nation still has enemies, both foreign and domestic. Being on the fringes of military chaplaincy, I also pray for the chaplains who serve God by serving His people in secular places.

Now we have the lifting of the stay-at-home order in Minnesota. May our Lord bless this state with health and prosperity as we are able, in an intelligent fashion, to go and come as we please. The liquor stores are open, as are the hardware stores, florists, and even abortion clinics. Churches are lumped with bars and restaurants, deemed non-essential, kept from opening for another couple of weeks.

If the church is non-essential, why would those who otherwise cannot be bothered about God seek prayers and the comfort of Christ when their worlds collapse. The faithful Christians, the ones who come week in and week out, who sit through sermons and hymns and Bible Class, who practice for the days of famine and pestilence, are on to something.

Those who believe that Christ Jesus, our Lord, is their only hope for salvation from sin, death, and the power of the devil, have a different perspective on life. “I’m But a Stranger Here, Heaven is My Home,” is not merely a fun hymn to sing (harmonizing the melody is very satisfying), but a firm statement of belief. We don’t belong here. The devil, the world, and even our own sinful flesh conspire to ruin all of God’s creation. Although we enjoy living, being called to Abraham’s bosom sounds mighty comforting.

I am going to disagree with the political idea that church is unessential. It is the most essential thing we have to give us hope. It is the most essential thing we have to put the pestilence into perspective. It is the most essential thing we have for suicide prevention, mental health, loneliness, isolation, and all the other consequences of this pandemic.

Church is essential, for in church, as we gather for the Divine Service, we are given life everlasting for the sake of Christ Jesus, our Lord. We see that God loves us enough to sacrifice His Son so that we might be forgiven. We come to know of His grace, that He loved us long before we ever loved Him, long before He resurrected us from eternal death.

Although many believe that church is non-essential, rather than turning our backs on this world, we strive to pray for and to help our neighbors. We still look for ways to bring the comfort of God’s love to this sin sickened world, even when the world rejects the message of His mercy. It is not my place, in frustration, to condemn those who do not see church as essential to everlasting punishment. Rather, it is my place to pray for them, to ask God to enlighten them so that they have a change of heart, that they repent and hold firmly to Him.

Meanwhile, even when we are allowed to open, we will do everything in our power to keep our people safe. The Elders have been talking of things we can do to minimize contact, utilizing the vast wasteland of the front pews to provide room for social distancing, keeping people at a proper distance so to minimize the chance of spreading this disease. After all, if we are to reflect God’s love to this sin-sick world, we need to practice some intelligence.

I contend that church is essential. I contend that we need to be together, maybe in smaller groups spread throughout the sanctuary, maybe different times and days of the week, but in the presence of Christ Jesus to receive from Him the blessings of forgiveness and life everlasting.

So, pray for the president, the governor and legislature of this state, for all who make, administer, and enforce our laws. May God grant them wisdom to do that which is right rather than that which is expedient. And may this essential church continue to serve God by serving our neighbors.