O Antiphons – Part 7

December 23, 2024


                  The Great ``O'' Antiphons -- Part 7
                              Isaiah 7:14

        14   Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign.
             Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
             and shall call his name Immanuel.  (ESV)

                  O Emmanuel, our king and our Lord, the
                  anointed for the nations and their | Savior:*
                       Come and save us, O | Lord our God.

        We come at last to the final of the Great ``O'' Antiphons.
   The Church, since the beginning of Advent, has been preparing for
   the day when her Savior appears.  During the past week, as the
   mood of the Advent season intensified, we prayed with the whole
   church that Jesus would come and redeem His people.

        The final ``O'' Antiphon forms the basis of the first verse
   of the Advent hymn, ``O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.''  It's text is
   from Isaiah: ``Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign.
   Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call
   his name Immanuel.''

        Emmanuel means ``God with us.''  Tomorrow He comes,[1] and
   we shall see the incarnate Son of God reposing in a manger.  He
   once came to give His life for you and me.  He comes now in Word
   and Sacrament to give us hope.  He will come again to raise us
   from our graves, giving us life everlasting with Him.

        Please join us at Trinity on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
   to hear of our Lord's birth.  May He continue to bless you
   always.  Amen.

   1. The  ``Lutheran  Service Book: Companion to the Hymns'' volume
      1, p. 67, notes: ``The initial letters (excluding the `O')  of
      the seven [names of Christ given in the 'O Antiphons'] finally
      established as the standard (SARCORE), which were probably the
      original  seven,  form  an  acrostic  when read backward: `ERO
      CRAS,' which means `tomorrow I will be [present]'; and so  the
      `secret'  news  of  Christ's immanent birth is revealed in its
      entirety only on the day before Christmas Eve.''