Mercy — Part 4

August 29, 2024


                            Mercy -- Part 4
                          2 Chronicles 28:14

        14   So the armed men left the captives and the spoil
             before the princes and all the assembly.  (ESV)

        This week we are talking about mercy, the compassion shown
   to those who are in distress and need.  Mercy certainly includes
   love and forgiveness, the acceptance that each person is a unique
   individual who needs to be treated with kindness.

        The northern kingdom of Israel, about 740 years before the
   birth of Jesus Christ, had plundered the southern kingdom of
   Judah.  As the victorious army brought two hundred thousand
   captives to Samaria with the intent to enslave them, the prophet
   Oded and several prominent leaders stopped this atrocity.  Oded
   that the leaders called for mercy.

        ``So the armed men left the captives and the spoil before
   the princes and all the assembly.''  The army, seeing the great
   harm they were about to inflict, repented of their sin and acted
   with kindness.  As warriors, the army knew they were not able to
   properly care for these captives.  Therefore, those who called
   for mercy accepted the responsibility for returning the captives
   to their homes.

        In this election season, where tensions run high, where
   opinions are loudly expressed, we are tempted to divide this
   nation in the same way the kingdom of David and Solomon was
   divided.  Yet, in the heat of the moment, can we show love,
   respect, and mercy to those with whom we disagree?  Can we allow
   each person to express their opinion, knowing that all have
   sinned against God and neighbor, thus need the forgiveness
   offered by Christ Jesus?  This incident which happened almost
   2,800 years ago is also a call for us to love each other, show
   mercy, and repent of our own sins.

        May our Lord grant us the wisdom and strength to hear His
   Word, to know of His mercy, and to reflect His grace to each
   other.  Amen.