Repaying Evil — Part 1

June 24, 2024


                        Repaying Evil -- Part 1
                             Genesis 50:15

        15   When Joseph's brothers saw that their father was
             dead, they said, ``It may be that Joseph will hate
             us and pay us back for all the evil that we did to
             him.''  (ESV)

        Each time we recite the Lord's Prayer we say, ``Forgive us
   our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.''  We
   ask God to apply the same standard which we apply when dealing
   with people who have caused us great harm.

        This week's Old Testament lesson is about Joseph, the Prince
   of Egypt, forgiving his brothers.  Moses, the author of Genesis,
   wrote: ``When Joseph's brothers saw that their father was dead,
   they said, `It may be that Joseph will hate us and pay us back
   for all the evil that we did to him.'''

        What evil did Joseph's brothers commit against him?  They
   first were going to kill him, but relented and placed him in a
   waterless pit.  He remained there until the brothers saw a
   caravan of traders to whom they sold Joseph into slavery.  As a
   slave in Egypt, Joseph was falsely accused of adultery and
   imprisoned for a number of years.  Only as he was able to
   interpret the dream of Pharaoh, and avert a disastrous famine,
   was Joseph released from prison to become second in Egypt.

        Joseph had a lot of problems caused by his brothers, and was
   in a position to give just payment for their actions.  Yet, as we
   will learn, Joseph forgave his brothers in the same way that God
   had forgiven and blessed him.

        May our Lord grant you the peace of knowing your sins are
   forgiven, and the grace to forgive others.  Amen.