Who is Like the LORD? — Part 2

June 18, 2024


                    Who is Like the LORD? -- Part 2
                              Micah 7:18

        18   Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and
             passing over transgression for the remnant of his
             inheritance?  He does not retain his anger
             forever, because he delights in steadfast love.

        The prophet Micah, who lived about seven hundred years
   before Christ, posed a very interesting question.
        Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing
        over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance?
        He does not retain his anger forever, because he
        delights in steadfast love.

        There are many entities who claim to be a god, who demand
   our time, talent, and treasure.  They make demands for sacrifice
   and specific clothing and specific actions.  These gods have
   rules, and the only way to appease such a god is to perfectly
   follow each dictate, both in letter and spirit.  Because
   following such a god requires introspection, there is little time
   to see the needs of our neighbor, to show love to others.

        But the Triune God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy
   Spirit, the God as revealed in the Bible, is not like that.  From
   the moment that sin entered the world, He promised to redeem His
   people.  Only the Triune God delights in showing love, grace, and
   mercy.  His love is everlasting, His anger over sin is for but a

        This is why we accept His invitation go enter into His
   presence, to receive this gift of love and redemption.  If you
   hear anything beyond salvation from sin and death because of
   God's undeserved love for the sake of the death and resurrection
   of Jesus Christ, you are not in a truly Christian church.  For
   God pardons iniquity and passes over transgression because the
   Son of God paid the price of our sin.  That is the truth of the
   Bible, the word of the prophet Micah.

        May our Lord grant us the comfort of knowing His love.