Father Abraham — Part 5: June 7, 2024


                       Father Abraham -- Part 5
                             Genesis 15:6

        6    And he believed the LORD, and he counted it to him
             as righteousness.  (ESV)

        Faith has three elements.  Faith requires knowledge.  We
   cannot believe in something of which we do not know.  Because
   faith requires knowledge, we daily hear and study God's holy Word
   so that we are well versed in His promise of eternal life because
   of the forgiveness of our sins earned by Jesus Christ.

        Faith requires agreement.  We can know a fact, but not agree
   that the fact we were given is true or accurate.  Only as we
   agree that God's Word is the truth can we continue on this
   journey to eternal life through Christ Jesus.

        Faith requires trust.  If we know something, and agree that
   what we know is accurate, we will trust it.  This is true of
   getting in the car to drive to Sioux Falls, we know the car will
   run, we agree that it has adequate maintenance and fuel,
   therefore we trust that it will get us to our destination.

        God told Abram that his descendants would outnumber the
   stars.  ``And he believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as

        Abram had knowledge of God's promise.  Abram knew that God
   fulfills all His promises.  Abram trusted in God even though the
   promised son was not born for several more years.

        ``For God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten
   Son that whosoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.''
   Come join us on Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. at Trinity Lutheran
   Church to gain more knowledge of the truth of God's love, that
   you may be blessed with agreement and trust for your eternal
   salvation.  Amen.