Father Abraham — Part 2: June 4, 2024


                      Father Abraham -- Part 2
                            Genesis 15:2-3

        2    But Abram said, ``O Lord GOD, what will you give
             me, for I continue childless, and the heir of my
             house is Eliezer of Damascus?''
        3    And Abram said, ``Behold, you have given me no
             offspring, and a member of my household will be my
             heir.''  (ESV)

        God promised Abram His richest blessings.  He repeated this
   promise, that the whole world would be blessed through Abram's
   line.  However, Abram had a problem.
        But Abram said, ``O Lord GOD, what will you give me,
        for I continue childless, and the heir of my house is
        Eliezer of Damascus?''  And Abram said, ``Behold, you
        have given me no offspring, and a member of my
        household will be my heir.''

        In ancient society, and even today, the infertile couple
   feels left out of the mainstream of life.  They withdraw from
   friends and family because they grow weary of hearing about the
   children they cannot have.  More cruelly, Abram's name meant
   ``exulted father,'' which was a reminder he had no children.  His
   wife was well past childbearing age, so Abram was resigned to
   pass his great wealth to his trusted servant.

        At times we question whether God will actually fulfill that
   which He has promised.  If we are His beloved children, why do we
   suffer various illnesses, problems, and rejection by the world?
   We are promised the forgiveness of our sins, we are declared holy
   in God's sight, why then to we continue to selfishly turn from
   Him to our own desires?

        The promise is now, the fulfillment is yet to come.  This is
   the lesson which Abram will learn.

        May our Lord grant you faith in His grace and mercy, even
   when that grace seems hidden.  Amen.