Father Abraham — Part 1: June 3, 2024


                       Father Abraham -- Part 1
                             Genesis 15:1

        1    After these things the word of the LORD came to
             Abram in a vision: ``Fear not, Abram, I am your
             shield; your reward shall be very great.''  (ESV)

        God called Abram out of idolatry in which he deserved
   nothing but condemnation and eternal death.  Yet, God was
   gracious to Abram and said, ``And I will make of you a great
   nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that
   you will be a blessing.''[1] Abram, who was seventy-five,
   accepted God's call and moved from near the Euphrates River in
   the land of Haren and journeyed towards the land of Canaan.

        For ten years or longer, Abram, his wife, his nephew Lot,
   and their servants wandered in the land between Canaan and Egypt.
   ``After these things the word of the LORD came to Abram in a
   vision: `Fear not, Abram, I am your shield; your reward shall be
   very great.'''

        This comforting word of God given to Abram reinforced that
   God's plan of salvation for all people would come from Abram's
   descendants.  Jesus Christ traced His ancestors to David and back
   to Abram, showing that indeed God's promise did come true.

        Yet, when the LORD spoke these words to Abram, the
   fulfillment of the promise was still far off.  God protected
   Abram and his possessions, but Abram and his wife Sarai remained

        This week we will see God's promise both to Abram and to us,
   encouraging us to trust in Him.  May our Lord richly bless you
   this coming week.  Amen.

   1. Genesis 12:2 (ESV)