The Throne of God — Part 2: May 29, 2024


                      The Throne of God -- Part 2
                             Isaiah 6:3-4

        3    And one called to another and said: ``Holy, holy,
             holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full
             of his glory!''
        4    And the foundations of the thresholds shook at the
             voice of him who called, and the house was filled
             with smoke.  (ESV)

        During the last year of the reign of King Uzziah over Judah,
   758 years before the birth of Jesus, Isaiah saw a vision of the
   throne room of heaven.  The mighty seraphim, the highest of the
   angelic order, hovered around the Lord singing His praises.
        And one called to another and said: ``Holy, holy, holy
        is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of his

        And the foundations of the thresholds shook at the
        voice of him who called, and the house was filled with

        The thrice holy, once for each person of the Trinity, is the
   song of heaven.  This is the hymn the Church sings as we are
   invited to the Lord's altar to receive from Him the very body and
   blood of Jesus in, with, and under the bread and wine of the
   Lord's Supper.  Our celebration is a mere echo and foreshadowing
   of the full glory of God, yet we are truly in His presence at His

        Do we approach the very throne of God, His holy altar, with
   complacency and a lack of reverence?  Absolutely not!  If the
   angels hide their faces from God as they sing His praises, we
   also come into His presence with awe and reverence.

        As Isaiah is about to learn, the God worshiped by the angel
   hosts is the God who forgives our sins because of His great love.
   Is there any greater reason to kneel before Him in humility,
   reverence, and awe?

        May our Lord grant that we also join with the angels in
   praising Him for His rich love, the glory of the God who redeems
   us from sin and death.  Amen.