Lifting Up the Serpent — Part 2: May 7, 2024


                    Lifting Up the Serpent - Part 2
                             Numbers 21:6

        6    Then the LORD sent fiery serpents among the
             people, and they bit the people, so that many
             people of Israel died.  (ESV)

        The children of Israel were tired of their nomadic life in
   the wilderness.  When their travels took them once again away
   from the land once promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, they
   began to grumble and complain about God and Moses.  ``Then the
   LORD sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the
   people, so that many people of Israel died.''

        How does God call us to account for our sins?  In this case,
   the children of Israel saw a direct link between their discontent
   and the venomous snakes.  More often, however, the call to
   repentance is not as readily apparent.  Yes, when tragedy
   strikes, we are swift to call upon the name of the Lord, to
   implore the help and mercy of the almighty God.  But even in
   normal times, the law accuses us of sin.

        Throughout the Bible we learn that we are to love the Lord
   our God above all things, and our neighbors as ourselves.  This
   was written by Moses, and spoken again by Jesus, Himself.  Yet we
   turn our back on God, and we ignore the needs of our neighbors as
   we focus on our own selfish desires.

        That wake up call to repent may come in the form of a
   personal tragedy, or through the proclamation of God's Word.  No
   matter, we confess that we deserve God's temporal and eternal
   punishment, for we have sinned against God and neighbor by our
   thoughts, words, and deeds.  Jesus, in talking with Nicodemus as
   recorded in the third chapter of John's Gospel, compares the
   salvation of the world to the forgiveness offered to the children
   of Israel as they endured the serpents.  May our hearts ever be
   turned to the love of God, that we repent of our sin and receive
   the gift of forgiveness.  Amen.