Wrestling with God — Part 2: 02/27/2024


                      Wrestling With God - Part 2
                           Genesis 32:24-25

        24   And Jacob was left alone. And a man wrestled with
             him until the breaking of the day.
        25   When the man saw that he did not prevail against
             Jacob, he touched his hip socket, and Jacob's hip
             was put out of joint as he wrestled with him.

        Jacob, the grandson of Abraham and the son of Issac, was
   returning to the land of his birth.  Because he had cheated his
   brother, Esau, out of his inheritance and birthright, Jacob
   feared the retribution which could happen.  He sent his wives and
   possessions into safety across the Jabbok River while intending
   to spend time alone in repentance and prayer.

        ``And Jacob was left alone. And a man wrestled with him
   until the breaking of the day.  When the man saw that he did not
   prevail against Jacob, he touched his hip socket, and Jacob's hip
   was put out of joint as he wrestled with him.''

        Jacob may have thought that his rival was Esau, but it was
   indeed the LORD God.  The physical wrestling match mirrored the
   spiritual wrestling match, the perseverance of prayer, which
   Jacob offered.  Repenting of his sin against his brother, Jacob
   was asking God for His grace.  Jacob did not deserve forgiveness
   and God's protection, but knew of God's love.  No matter what
   happened, Jacob was certain of God's mercy.

        All that night Jacob wrestled with the unknown man,
   overcoming even physical injury.  As the day broke, Jacob, though
   injured, was not defeated.  His physical and spiritual wrestling,
   his faith, was still firm.

        May our Lord grant us a firm faith in Him as we wrestle with
   the problems and chances of this life.  Amen.