Reflected Glory — Part 2: 01/23/2024


                       Reflected Glory - Part 2
                            Exodus 34:30-31

        30   Aaron and all the people of Israel saw Moses, and
             behold, the skin of his face shone, and they were
             afraid to come near him.
        31   But Moses called to them, and Aaron and all the
             leaders of the congregation returned to him, and
             Moses talked with them.  (ESV)

        After Moses had broken the tablets of God's Law in righteous
   anger when he saw the children of Israel worshiping the golden
   calf, God called him back onto Mount Sinai to receive again the
   Ten Commandments.  Moses was in the presence of God, and saw a
   glimpse of His glory.  Even with just a glimpse, Moses' face
   reflected God's glory when he returned to the camp where the
   people waited.

        Aaron and all the people of Israel saw Moses, and
        behold, the skin of his face shone, and they were
        afraid to come near him.  But Moses called to them, and
        Aaron and all the leaders of the congregation returned
        to him, and Moses talked with them.

        When we are confronted with God's presence, even the
   reflection of God's glory, we tremble in fear.  On the day when
   Adam first sinned, Eve and he hid from God in shame.  The
   children of Israel had seen the cloud of God's presence on the
   top of the mountain, and saw the effect being in God's presence
   reflected in Moses' face.  Sinners who are reminded of God and
   His holiness flee because they are made aware of their

        Yet Moses had the good news of God's love to proclaim to the
   children of Israel.  Rather than fleeing, Moses asked the leaders
   to come forward and hear what God had spoken.

        May our Lord grant that we may hear His Word, and know that,
   through Jesus, we are declared righteous in God's sight.  Amen.