Getting What We Don’t Deserve — Part 4: 02/01/2024


                Getting What We Don't Deserve - Part 4
                              Exodus 17:7

        7    And he called the name of the place Massah and
             Meribah, because of the quarreling of the people
             of Israel, and because they tested the LORD by
             saying, ``Is the LORD among us or not? '' (ESV)

        The children of Israel, having left Egypt, were in the
   desert of the Sinai peninsula.  There, seeing no water, they
   grumbled against Moses and against God.  Although they were in
   the presence of the Almighty, and had seen His mighty hand
   deliver them from the Egyptians, they had no faith.

        Moses prayed for God's help, and was instructed by God to
   strike a rock with his staff.  Water gushed out of the rock, and
   the children of Israel were satisfied.

        Moses recorded in Exodus:
        And he called the name of the place Massah and Meribah,
        because of the quarreling of the people of Israel, and
        because they tested the LORD by saying, ``Is the LORD
        among us or not? ''

        Every time this story is related, we see that God does not
   give what we deserve, but blesses us out of His love, grace, and
   mercy.  Rather than punishing the children of Israel for their
   lack of faith, He acted on their behalf.

        Moses named the camp ``Massah,'' which means ``temptation,''
   and Meribah, which means ``strife.''  These names remind us of
   our sin and God's mercy.

        May our Lord grant us faith to trust in Him for all good,
   and to hold firmly to Him even when we are in difficulty, knowing
   He will provide all we need.  Amen.