The Righteous Branch - Part 4
Isaiah 11:5
5 Righteousness shall be the belt of his waist, and
faithfulness the belt of his loins. (ESV)
Isaiah wrote: ``Righteousness shall be the belt of his
waist, and faithfulness the belt of his loins.'' What do we mean
when we say God is righteous. In all things, God seeks that
which is good and rejects that which is evil.
The will of God is for all people to be saved, to come to
the knowledge of the truth of salvation by grace through faith
for the sake of Christ. Jesus, as the Messiah, did everything
towards the goal of earning for you the forgiveness of sins and
life everlasting.
The triumph of Jesus was overcoming the evil which clings to
our nature, which is passed from Adam through each father to each
child. Because Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, because
He had no human father, Jesus did not have the original sin with
which we are born. In this way, Jesus is like Adam before the
fall into sin, being in the image of God, perfect and holy.
The Messiah was truly righteous, perfect in every way. He
overcame the temptations of the flesh, unlike our first parents.
He fully trusted in His heavenly Father, even when it cost Him
His life. He burst forth from the tomb on the third day after
His crucifixion because sin and death had no hold on Him.
Jesus exchanged our sin for His righteousness. Although we
still struggle with sin, although we will experience the sleep of
temporal death, we are declared holy in God's sight for the sake
of Christ. His righteousness overcame sin, death, and the power
of the devil. His righteousness is our hope and our salvation.
May our Lord grant you the peace of knowing you have been
given the righteousness of Christ. Amen.