Hired Help – Part 2

February 18, 2025


                          Hired Help - Part 2
                            Matthew 20:6-7

        6    And about the eleventh hour he went out and found
             others standing. And he said to them, ``Why do you
             stand here idle all day?''
        7    They said to him, ``Because no one has hired us.''
             He said to them, ``You go into the vineyard too.''

        The master of the house went out at dawn to hire laborers to
   work in his vineyard.  After negotiating a fair wage with the
   laborers, the master sent them to work.  Because there was much
   to accomplish, and little time to finish the work, the master
   went out multiple times during the day, each time finding more
   people to do the work needed.

        And about the eleventh hour he went out and found
        others standing. And he said to them, ``Why do you
        stand here idle all day?''  They said to him, ``Because
        no one has hired us.'' He said to them, ``You go into
        the vineyard too.''

        The laborers hired at dawn knew they would get a standard
   day's wage.  Those hired later in the morning, those hired in the
   early afternoon, knew they would receive fair compensation.
   Finally, the laborers hired for one hour of work knew their day
   would not be a complete loss, but they would earn something.

        This parable is about the kingdom of heaven.  God's ways are
   not our ways.  What seems fair to you and I turns out to be
   opposed to God's rich love, grace, and mercy.

        The master, God the Father, calls people into His Church,
   into His presence, to bring the good news of salvation by grace
   through faith for the sake of Christ to all nations.  The Church
   exists to pour out God's love, to give to people the gift of
   eternal life.  It does not exist to give us the rules by which we
   earn God's favor, but rather to give us the forgiveness of our
   sins.  The works done by those who are called into the Church are
   done in response to the gift they receive from God.

        May our Lord grant that we hear His call, receive His grace,
   and reflect His mercy.  Amen.