Healing – Part 1

January 27, 2025


                           Healing - Part 1
                             Matthew 8:2-4

        2    And behold, a leper came to him and knelt before
             him, saying, ``Lord, if you will, you can make me
        3    And Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him,
             saying, ``I will; be clean.''  And immediately his
             leprosy was cleansed.
        4    And Jesus said to him, ``See that you say nothing
             to anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and
             offer the gift that Moses commanded, for a proof
             to them.''  (ESV)

        During the Epiphany season, which begins on January 6, the
   Church studies how Jesus revealed Himself as true God.  Last week
   we read of His first miracle, turning water into wine, which
   shows that Jesus has His Father's power to create.  This week we
   will look at two healing miracles Jesus performed after He taught
   His disciples on an unnamed mountain.

        And behold, a leper came to him and knelt before him,
        saying, ``Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.''
        And Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him,
        saying, ``I will; be clean.''  And immediately his
        leprosy was cleansed.  And Jesus said to him, ``See
        that you say nothing to anyone, but go, show yourself
        to the priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded,
        for a proof to them.''

        This leper teaches us several lessons.  First, Jesus
   certainly is God, one who can restore health.  By calling Jesus,
   ``Lord,'' the leper is confessing that Jesus is true God.
   Second, we pray ``Thy will be done.''  You and I cannot see the
   big picture, how our situation may serve as a blessing to either
   ourselves or others.  Saint Paul asked for a ``thorn in the
   flesh''[1] to be removed, and God said that infirmity served a
   greater purpose.

        God hears our prayers.  By asking that His will be done, we
   confess that we are mere children standing before our heavenly
   Father.  We pray that our will conforms to His will, that we
   trust in Him even if we do not understand why He may answer

        May our Lord grant us faith to pray, and grace to accept the
   answer He gives.  Amen.

   1. 2 Corinthians 12:7-8