O Antiphons – Part 6

December 22, 2024


                  The Great ``O'' Antiphons -- Part 6
                             Psalm 118:22

        22   The stone that the builders rejected has become
             the cornerstone.  (ESV)

                  O King of the nations, the ruler they long
                  for, the cornerstone uniting all | people:*
                       Come and save us all, whom You formed |
                       out of clay.

        The great ``O'' Antiphon for the twenty-second of December
   reminds us of the words of King David.
        The stone that the builders rejected has become the

        The emphasis on the kingship of Christ Jesus, the ruler they
   long for, continues as He unites ``all people.''  Often in the
   Bible we hear Jesus refereed to as the King, most certainly in
   the prophecy fulfilled when He rode into Jerusalem on Palm
   Sunday.  During the Advent season, where many choirs and
   orchestras present ``Messiah'' by George Fredrick Handel, we hear
   the phrase from Revelation, ``King of Kings, and Lord of
   Lords.''[1] We thrill to the music as the chorus proclaims, ``And
   He shall reign forever and ever,''[2]

        Thus we pray the cornerstone the builders rejected, as David
   called Him, come and redeem His creation.

        May our Lord bless you richly as you hear that Christ Jesus
   is indeed our King, who died to redeem His people from sin and
   death, who rose again to reign forever.  Amen.
   1. Revelation 19:16
   2. Revelation 11:15