Seek the LORD – Part 2

October 15, 2024


                        Seek the LORD - Part 2
                             Isaiah 55:3-4

        3    Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your
             soul may live; and I will make with you an
             everlasting covenant, my steadfast, sure love for
        4    Behold, I made him a witness to the peoples, a
             leader and commander for the peoples.  (ESV)

        The prophet Isaiah, speaking as inspired by the Holy Spirit,
   invites each person to join in God's rich banquet of wisdom and
   blessings.  This invitation gives a time and place and menu.  Now
   is the time, wherever the good news of salvation from sin and
   death is proclaimed is the place, and the menu is God's rich
   blessing of everlasting life.

        Isaiah pleads for everyone to listen to this invitation for
   their eternal blessing.  He shows by the example of God's
   promises to King David that this invitation is real and for all
        Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul
        may live; and I will make with you an everlasting
        covenant, my steadfast, sure love for David.  Behold, I
        made him a witness to the peoples, a leader and
        commander for the peoples.

        What is the promise made to King David to which Isaiah
   refers?  It is the promise that the Messiah, the Redeemer of all
   people, is to be a descendant of the great king.  Indeed, the
   Evangelists Matthew and Luke show conclusively that Jesus is
   descended from David.

        The covenant God makes is simple, He grants us pardon and
   peace because His Son, Jesus Christ, took upon Himself our sins.
   This forgiveness is offered to us as a gift, not as something we

        Who needs this forgiveness?  We do.  No one, except Jesus
   Christ, is without sin.  No one has perfectly kept the letter of
   the law, much less the spirit of the law.  Yet God, in His mercy,
   invites you to Himself, to trust in His promises, and to receive
   complete remission of our sins.  This is the message of the
   Gospel, proclaimed throughout the Old and New Testaments alike.

        May our Lord grant you the peace of knowing your sins are
   forgiven, for where there is forgiveness, there is life
   everlasting.  Amen.