Humility — Part 3

September 25, 2024


                          Humility -- Part 3
                           Proverbs 25:11-12

        11   A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a
             setting of silver.
        12   Like a gold ring or an ornament of gold is a wise
             reprover to a listening ear.  (ESV)

        Yesterday we heard Solomon's words about quickly taking
   offense, about quickly making an issue public to the harm of our
   neighbor and ourselves.  Today he continues with the wisdom to be
   open to instruction and learning.
        A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting
        of silver.  Like a gold ring or an ornament of gold is
        a wise reprover to a listening ear.

        There was only one perfect Man, and the religious leaders of
   His day caused Him to be nailed to a cross.  You and I, on the
   other hand, can and do make mistakes, have misunderstandings, and
   always need to learn.

        How do we handle criticism?  Do we turn away, stop our ears,
   and attack the one who is trying to improve us?  Or do we
   respectfully listen, ponder the words, and seek to remove any
   dissension which our actions may have caused?  As the ones
   offering criticism, do we go on the attack with accusations, or
   do we discuss the situation calmly and without suggesting an evil
   intent behind the actions?

        Solomon would have us open to learning, to hearing another
   point of view, and responding with thanks.  As we consider the
   criticism, we may disagree, we may not change our actions, but we
   will have gained an insight to the impact of our words.  We may
   determine that we have not truly reflected God's love, thus we
   may confess our sin and receive forgiveness.

        During this election season, especially, we need to realize
   that Jesus Christ was willing to die for all people, that all are
   precious in His sight.  Therefore, we need to speak and act with
   respect, showing love to our neighbor.  May our Lord grant us the
   wisdom to treat each person, even those with whom we may not
   agree, with love and honor.  Amen.