The Widow’s Son — Part 4

September 19, 2024


                       The Widow's Son -- Part 4
                             1 Kings 17:23

        23   And Elijah took the child and brought him down
             from the upper chamber into the house and
             delivered him to his mother. And Elijah said,
             ``See, your son lives.''  (ESV)

        You and I, given our own power, cannot raise anyone from the
   dead.  This is also true of Elijah even in regards to the widow's
   son in Zarephath.  Elijah prayed that God would restore the life
   of the boy, and God allowed the boy to revive.

        Prayer changes things.  God, through the Psalmist, said:
   ``and call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and
   you shall glorify me.''[1] Jesus also instructed His disciples,
   and us, to pray, ``Thy will be done.''  As children, we do not
   know the unintended results of our prayers, which is why we ask
   God to accomplish that which is best, even if it is not exactly
   that for which we prayed.  Many times our prayers for healing and
   blessings are answered with a resounding ``yes,'' while at other
   times the same requests may bring ultimate harm.

        Elijah prayed that the boy's life might be restored, a
   prayer which God answered according to Elijah's request.  ``And
   Elijah took the child and brought him down from the upper chamber
   into the house and delivered him to his mother. And Elijah said,
   `See, your son lives.'''

        When we pray for temporal blessings, even for continued good
   health and well-being, we pray, ``Thy will be done.''  When we
   pray for spiritual blessings, the forgiveness of sins, stronger
   faith, the hope and comfort of the resurrection, God's promise is
   always an answer of ``yes.''  Because our sins are forgiven, we
   have the hope of life everlasting.

        May our Lord grant us faith to trust in His promises, to
   know that through Jesus Christ we have the forgiveness of our
   sins, and the hope of our own resurrection.  Amen.

   1. Psalms 50:15 (ESV)