Mercy — Part 3

August 28, 2024


                            Mercy -- Part 3
                         2 Chronicles 28:12-13

        12   Certain chiefs also of the men of Ephraim, Azariah
             the son of Johanan, Berechiah the son of
             Meshillemoth, Jehizkiah the son of Shallum, and
             Amasa the son of Hadlai, stood up against those
             who were coming from the war
        13   and said to them, ``You shall not bring the
             captives in here, for you propose to bring upon us
             guilt against the LORD in addition to our present
             sins and guilt. For our guilt is already great,
             and there is fierce wrath against Israel.''  (ESV)

        Around 740 years before the birth of Jesus, the northern
   kingdom of Israel attacked and plundered the southern kingdom of
   Judah.  The army returned with two hundred thousand captives with
   the intent of making them slaves.  Not only did the prophet Oded
   speak against this, but several leaders of the kingdom of Israel
   called for mercy.

        Certain chiefs also of the men of Ephraim...  stood up
        against those who were coming from the war and said to
        them, ``You shall not bring the captives in here, for
        you propose to bring upon us guilt against the LORD in
        addition to our present sins and guilt. For our guilt
        is already great, and there is fierce wrath against

        In the excitement of the moment, we often lose sight that we
   are sinners who properly deserve God's wrath and punishment.
   Should the army of Israel have plundered their relatives in
   Judah?  Should they have carried away so many people with the
   intent to enslave them?  Fortunately, the chiefs and rulers
   repented of this action and refused to allow this great sin.

        When we are in a position to impose our own will, do we take
   the time to truly repent, to show mercy, to help rather than
   harm?  We, who have received the mercy of the almighty Father as
   He sent His Son to bear the guilt of our sin, are called upon by
   God to reflect His love.

        May our Lord grant us the strength to be merciful to all
   people.  Amen.