Redeeming Israel — Part 2

August 20, 2024


                      Redeeming Israel -- Part 2
                             Isaiah 29:19

        19   The meek shall obtain fresh joy in the LORD, and
             the poor among mankind shall exult in the Holy One
             of Israel.  (ESV)

        Confessional Lutherans speak of the ``theology of glory''
   versus the ``theology of the cross.''  The theology of glory
   expects to see the victory of God, the faithful blessed with
   great riches, and the Christian land overflowing with milk and
   honey.  The theology of the cross says that the glory of Christ
   Jesus is seen in His suffering, death, and resurrection.
   Christians will be persecuted in this world because of their

        Isaiah wrote, ``The meek shall obtain fresh joy in the LORD,
   and the poor among mankind shall exult in the Holy One of

        Jesus, the King of Creation, was born in a humble barn.  He
   said, ``Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the
   earth.''[1] It was the humble tax collector who prayed, ``God, be
   merciful to me, the sinner,''[2] who returned home justified,
   forgiven, with the hope of salvation.

        Each Sunday we confess our sins before God, acknowledging
   that we are by nature sinful and unclean.  We confess that we
   have not done that which should be done towards God and neighbor,
   while actively doing that which denies God and harms those around
   us.  Yet, because of God's love and mercy, He pronounces that we
   are forgiven for sake of Jesus Christ.  We therefore have the joy
   of His salvation and praise Him for His goodness.

        May our Lord keep our eyes on the cross of Christ Jesus, who
   has purchased and won us from sin and death by His holy precious
   blood and innocent suffering and death.  Amen.

   1. Matthew 5:5

   2. Luke 18:13