Beware of False Prophets — Part 3

July 24, 2024


                  Beware of False Prophets -- Part 3
                            Jeremiah 23:18

        18   For who among them has stood in the council of the
             LORD to see and to hear his word, or who has paid
             attention to his word and listened?  (ESV)

        How do we recognize false prophets in the church?  After
   all, doesn't God, working through the Holy Spirit, call people to
   be ministers of the Word on His behalf?  Yet we desire to be like
   God, to replace God, to reject His Word and replace it with our
   own ideas.  Too many church bodies actively reject the truth that
   the Bible is completely God's Word, and thus is true and

        Our standards become that of secular studies, science and
   sociology and psychology, rather than the clear words of
   Scripture.  Evolution replaces the first chapters of Genesis, and
   gay pride suggests that Saint Paul's letters, or even the Old
   Testament laws concerning adultery, are not written for the good
   of all people and of all times.

        Jeremiah spoke of this lack of regard for God's holy Word
   when he wrote:
        For who among them has stood in the council of the LORD
        to see and to hear his word, or who has paid attention
        to his word and listened?

        We stand in the council of the LORD as we read, learn,
   study, and ponder His holy Word.  His council tells of His
   creation, of our fall into sin, and of the redemption which is
   ours through Jesus Christ, our Lord.  God's Word, given by the
   inspiration of the Holy Spirit for our salvation, has been proven
   time and again to be accurate and truthful.

        May our heavenly Father grant that we hear of His grace,
   love, and mercy given to His creation for the sake of His Son.