The Way of Wisdom — Part 2: June 11, 2024


                      The Way of Wisdom -- Part 2
                            Proverbs 9:3-5

        3    She has sent out her young women to call from the
             highest places in the town,
        4    ``Whoever is simple, let him turn in here!''  To
             him who lacks sense she says,
        5    ``Come, eat of my bread and drink of the wine I
             have mixed.''  (ESV)

        Wisdom, identified by Solomon as the Word of God, was
   present at the creation of the world.  Wisdom is available to all
   people, free and without asking.
        She has sent out her young women to call from the
        highest places in the town, ``Whoever is simple, let
        him turn in here!''  To him who lacks sense she says,
        ``Come, eat of my bread and drink of the wine I have

        God's grace, love, and mercy is always free.  He invites us
   into His presence to give to us the forgiveness of all our sins
   and the hope of life everlasting.  We don't need to seek out
   Wisdom, God's Word, and His undeserved love.  It is not hidden
   from our sight, but visible to all people of all times and

        The call is the invitation of the Gospel to come to the rich
   heavenly banquet.  Wisdom charges no admission fee, nor does
   Wisdom present a bill after dinner.  This is the call of Jesus,
   ``Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give
   you rest.''

        Why would we not accept this gracious invitation?  Do we
   think we are not in need of God's rich love and mercy?  Are we
   without sin, without problems, without conflict?  Are we wise
   enough in our own eyes to not need that which God offers?  Yet,
   many hear God's plea that we come into His presence and ignore
   the voice of His servants who proclaim His goodness.

        May our Lord grant that we hear, understand, and accept His
   loving invitation to dine at His banquet table for all of
   eternity.  Amen.