Memorial Day — May 27, 2024


                           Memorial Day 2024
                            Proverbs 14:34

        34   Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a
             reproach to any people.  (ESV)

        Today this nation takes time to remember those paid the
   ultimate price while defending our freedoms.  Thomas Jefferson,
   the third president of the United States wrote: ``The tree of
   liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of
   patriots and tyrants.'' Ever since the first patriots took up
   arms to secure our liberties, we have honored the memories of
   those who refreshed the tree of liberty with their blood.

        King Solomon wrote: ``Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin
   is a reproach to any people.''  We pray, therefore, for righteous
   leaders and faithful citizens who place the good of their
   neighbors over personal gain.  When our leaders are moral and
   just, the entire nation is blessed.  When our leaders seek their
   own good over others, we all suffer.  Therefore we pray for this
   nation, remembering those who sacrificed themselves that others
   may live in freedom.

        Lord of our Land and Life, Over two centuries ago,
        shortly before the British hanged him, the American
        hero Nathan Hale said he regretted he had only one life
        to lose for his country. Today we can see things Hale
        could not: we see America's flag, her history, and the
        democratic truths upon which she has been built. We
        give thanks that our country remains: ``One nation
        under God.'' Knowing that, we proudly echo his words in
        saying, ``I have only one life to invest in my
        country.'' The Bible says doing right exalts a nation
        and sin disgraces her. For that reason, we pray for
        America, right or wrong. When America is right, dear
        Lord, keep her right. Allow the good people, the God-
        fearing people of America to loyally continue their
        vigilance and struggle for those things which are
        pleasing to You. And, if our nation ever wanders or
        goes wrong, dear Lord, turn her and gently bring her
        back onto the path You would have her walk. In Jesus'
        name, we pray. Amen.