Lifting Up the Serpent — Part 3: May 8, 2024


                    Lifting Up the Serpent - Part 3
                             Numbers 21:7

        7    And the people came to Moses and said, ``We have
             sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD and
             against you. Pray to the LORD, that he take away
             the serpents from us.'' So Moses prayed for the
             people.  (ESV)

        Discipline and punishment may look the same to the one being
   trained.  Were the serpents sent by God a punishment as the
   children of Israel grumbled against Him, or were they a call to
   trust in Him at all times?  In the liturgy for God's help in time
   of a local or national tragedy, the readings are as much a call
   for repentance as they are for God to ease the burden of all

        It is fitting, as we know that we have sinned against God
   and neighbor, that times of personal and national distress are
   also a call to trust in God rather than our own abilities.

        And the people came to Moses and said, ``We have
        sinned, for we have spoken against the LORD and against
        you. Pray to the LORD, that he take away the serpents
        from us.'' So Moses prayed for the people.

        If the serpents were a punishment, then God's actions had
   the desired result, show the people their sin.  If the serpents
   were a form of discipline, a form of teaching, they also had the
   proper effect, trust in God and His goodness rather than trusting
   our own desires.  Look to the blessings God gives, knowing that
   He willingly gives us that which we need to sustain this body and

        No matter if the serpents were punishment or discipline, the
   result was the people calling on God, praying for forgiveness and
   His almighty help in time of need.

        May our Lord give to us the eyes of faith to trust in Him,
   to call upon Him in the day of trouble, and to believe that He
   desires to give us His eternal love and grace.  Amen.