O Sing Unto the Lord — Part 3: May 01, 2024


                     O Sing Unto the Lord - Part 3
                             Isaiah 12:3-4

        3    With joy you will draw water from the wells of
        4    And you will say in that day: ``Give thanks to the
             LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds
             among the peoples, proclaim that his name is
             exalted.''  (ESV)

        This last Sunday, which is known as ``Cantate Sunday,'' was
   named for the first verse of Psalm 98, which we used to enter
   into God's presence at His invitation.  ``O sing to the LORD a
   new song, for He has done marvelous things.''  The prophet Isaiah
   told us of the reason for this song, the marvelous things the
   LORD has done for His people.
        With joy you will draw water from the wells of
        salvation.  And you will say in that day: ``Give thanks
        to the LORD, call upon his name, make known his deeds
        among the peoples, proclaim that his name is exalted.''

        Directly after the children of Israel crossed the Red Sea,
   God provided them fresh water in the wilderness.  Later, as
   recorded by Saint John, Jesus offers us the water of life.
   Christians daily remember their baptism, where the Holy Spirit
   joined us to Jesus' death and resurrection through the water of

        As ones redeemed from sin and condemnation by the life,
   death, and resurrection of Jesus, we respond by joyfully sharing
   the news of God's love to others.  Knowing the free gift of
   salvation, we tell of His grace and mercy.

        What a comfort to know that our redemption from sin and
   death does not depend on our own efforts, but is offered to us
   because of God's love.  What a comfort to know that the God who
   created all things loves each of us so much as to send His Son to
   take our punishment and give us His holiness.

        May our Lord continue to give us this reason to sing, that
   He is our salvation, that He is our hope and our comfort.  Amen.