The LORD Will Provide - Part 3
Genesis 22:7-8
7 And Isaac said to his father Abraham, ``My
father!'' And he said, ``Here am I, my son.'' He
said, ``Behold, the fire and the wood, but where
is the lamb for a burnt offering?''
8 Abraham said, ``God will provide for himself the
lamb for a burnt offering, my son.'' So they went
both of them together. (ESV)
And Isaac said to his father Abraham, ``My father!''
And he said, ``Here am I, my son.'' He said, ``Behold,
the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a
burnt offering?'' Abraham said, ``God will provide for
himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son.'' So
they went both of them together.
Abraham and Isaac slowly walked up Mount Moriah to the top
where the sacrifice was to take place. Everything was ready.
The sacrificial lamb carried the wood for the fire on his back.
Years later, Jesus climbed the same hill. His disciples
were unaware that again the Lamb of God was ascending the mount
to offer Himself as the ransom for all people. Although Jesus
had warned them that He would be crucified, the disciples did not
Although the sacrifices looked different, one was a burnt
offering, the other a crucifixion, the result was the same.
Innocent blood was shed. The sacrifice was complete.
Isaac's question, ``Where is the lamb?'' echoed Jesus'
prayer in Gethsemane, ``Not my will, but Yours be done.'' Isaac
was not aware of the identity of the lamb, Jesus knew that the
words of John the Baptizer were true, ``Behold the Lamb of God
who takes away the sins of the world.''[1]
May our heavenly Father grant us the understanding of the
cost of giving His only-begotten Son for our salvation. Amen.