Manna - Part 5
Exodus 16:19-20
19 And Moses said to them, ``Let no one leave any of
it over till the morning.''
20 But they did not listen to Moses. Some left part
of it till the morning, and it bred worms and
stank. And Moses was angry with them. (ESV)
We pray, ``Give us this day our daily bread.'' In this
prayer we confess that God will continue to provide for us, even
if we are not sure of how He will do so. Did the children of
Israel trust that God would continue to provide the daily
nourishment provided by the manna, the ``what is it?'' which they
gathered each morning?
And Moses said to them, ``Let no one leave any of it
over till the morning.'' But they did not listen to
Moses. Some left part of it till the morning, and it
bred worms and stank. And Moses was angry with them.
Our first parents doubted God's Word. The serpent asked
Eve, ``Did God really say?'' The children of Israel asked, ``Did
God really mean not to leave any manna for the next day?'' We
ask, ``Will God continue to provide us with clothing, shoes,
meat, drink, shelter, and all we need to sustain this life?''
Therefore we worry, we don't fully trust God, we go against
His commands because we think we know more than He knows. It
always turns out that God's plans, God's will, is best, even if
we are unsure of the outcome.
Thus it is with our salvation from sin, death, and the power
of the devil. We think we can save ourselves, but God has told
us there is only one answer to our transgressions. That answer
is the cross of Christ Jesus. If we trust God for our daily
bread, should we not trust Him for our eternal salvation?
Please join us on Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. at Trinity
Lutheran Church to learn more of God's rich love, grace, and
mercy. May our Lord continue to richly bless you in all things.