Getting What We Don’t Deserve — Part 2: 01/30/2024


                Getting What We Don't Deserve - Part 2
                             Exodus 17:2-3

        2    Therefore the people quarreled with Moses and
             said, ``Give us water to drink.''  And Moses said
             to them, ``Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you
             test the LORD?''
        3    But the people thirsted there for water, and the
             people grumbled against Moses and said, ``Why did
             you bring us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our
             children and our livestock with thirst?''  (ESV)

        The children of Israel had left Egypt several weeks earlier.
   Throughout their exodus from slavery they witnessed miracles and
   the presence of God.  He traveled with them in a pillar of cloud
   by day and a pillar of fire by night.  Yet, when confronted with
   the problem of having no water, they turned away from God and

        Therefore the people quarreled with Moses and said,
        ``Give us water to drink.''  And Moses said to them,
        ``Why do you quarrel with me? Why do you test the
        LORD?''  But the people thirsted there for water, and
        the people grumbled against Moses and said, ``Why did
        you bring us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our
        children and our livestock with thirst?''

        Although they targeted Moses as their leader, their
   complaint was with God.  They failed this test of faith, desiring
   to return to being slaves rather than trusting the LORD.

        Often, when we face difficulties, we grumble against God.
   We don't trust Him, we think we deserve better treatment, we
   demand our own way.  The sin of the children of Israel is also
   our sin.

        Anytime we focus on ourselves rather than on God's goodness,
   we become dissatisfied.  We demand what we think we deserve, not
   admitting that we deserve His eternal wrath and punishment.  What
   we receive is His love, grace, and mercy.

        We will see this truth as we continue the story.

        May our Lord grant us faith and patience during our trials
   and tribulations, that we trust in Him alone.  Amen.